HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

Makes sense, gigachadman mode has yet to be topped


Sadly I will never reach gigachadman mode.
I lack a Compac Presario.


You can literally play SSF today on any server you like. Hell, you can play SSF retail…why does blizzard need to do anything extra? Do you just want some sort of “I’m special” trophy in your buff bar or something?

A server dedicated to SSF would be 100% pointless because SSF has no meaningful social interaction.


Its people that never got acknowledged for anything before wanting Blizzard to give them that attention


Spitting truth with this.


“why are you booing me, I’m right”

Yes :expressionless:
A title is preferred though.

You know, Arielba, that would be fine. I don’t believe most people have an issue with that.

Where the disconnect is sits with the idea that some people are attempting to coerce Blizzard to change the announced ruleset so they can force others into additional conditions that are not required for “hardcore” which prior to popularization of the addon was simply death=delete and that still is the determining factor in most other games with a “hardcore” mode.

Continue to ask for a title or cosmetic features if you wish to recognize how you played differently from others. I’ve no issue with that. But asking Blizzard to go much further beyond one life on the hc servers is not inclusive to other models of hardcore. Yours is not the only one.

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That is the preferred outcome, yes :expressionless:
I am trying to make a compromise position.

Stick with lobbying for cosmetics.
Or a separate server if you can’t stand to be near players playing differently.

Wow, you solo leveled in a game designed to be easy for solo leveling in! Congratz!

1% of people make it 60, but it’s easy,


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You can play Softcore on any server you like, why demand that HC which is played with 1 death, no grouping and no trading, is turned into your vision of HC, just because you want to raid at 60?

Why not go to Era and raid there and if your char dies, just delete it? You are not the target group of HC realms, my friend.

HC realms are for those that did play on BSB and HW, that wanted an official realm with their ruleset. What you want is a fresh start on Era, you don´t need a new realm for that.

Just go to one of the dead Era realms and make your toon.

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Your ruleset excludes, Blizz’s includes. No on is stopping you from firing up the addon and doing SSF.

No one is stopping you from going to Era and deleting your char when it dies. You have the same ruleset like on the HC realm which is currently on PTR.

It´s silly to ask for changes to HC, just because you can´t wait a few more weeks for Era fresh. Instead of being happy for the HC guys that they are recognized, you try to take down their fun.

I will never understand what some people get from this kind of attitude, why not be happy for them? :frowning:

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I don’t understand why you can’t see the difference between forcing a ruleset on everyone or giving them the choice.

How does it impact your game play if others aren’t SSF? It doesn’t.

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We could play either version anywhere. Hell, we could play Ironman anywhere.
It’d be nice if SSF was supported as an option on the official servers though.

Blizzard agrees with what I want - a 1 life server that is social, where everyone plays by the same rules and expectations are set up front.

The ruleset we have now is just soycore lol


1% of the type of players that play hardcore because they think leveling in this game with an extra set of arbitrary rules is a challenge worth wasting their time on make it to 60

The skilled players that see hardcore as nothing more than a tedious gimmick rather than an actual challenge dont invest hundreds of hours into doing it, because they are busy playing actual challenging and/or enjoyable content and would rather spend their time elsewhere

Yeah, all that number indicates to me is that 99% of the addon andies suck at the game.