HC official Solo Self Found

“People were farming leather in stv”

Will people not skin stuff if they’re SSF?

“Lotus mafia groups”

Mafias do not sit on lotus spawns in groups because it is not lucrative. Lotus mafia were in a group with only a couple people spread across the zone to scout spawns. Nobody ever sat a whole group on a spawn or they didn’t know what they were doing.

“1v5 if you can group”

How is that any different than 5 SSF players farming an area?

:rofl: Yea in 2019, y’all may have been “part” of the reason for it coming back, but that’s not what we are talking about or just becoming popular… keep up, for a long time prior to HC coming around… vanilla was dead for the most part, HC brought Vanilla back to life.

But they already said that adding it at launch wasn’t happening. So why say that? Shouldn’t we be using our energy to ask for it to be added at all? They haven’t promised it and said it’s in our hands.


Everyone out here wanting Ironman mode where they can’t interact with any players, why not just play on a dead server? You’ll accomplish the same thing.

They will be playing on a dead server within 6 months after the HC server release.

Please stop calling HC addon mode IronMan. It is patently not the same.
IronMan is Self Found, but not Solo. They are allowed to trade, send mail and use AH … but NOT gear better than white (all bags allowed), no potions, no groups, no buffs other than class ones and no Dungeons.

And IronMan exists in a dozen variations, with and without professions, with green gear, duos, trios, naked … The almost only common rule is: DO NOT DIE!

I want the official servers to stay as they are, so that I can finally play IronMan without being hampered by either idiotic griefers or busybody addon users.

one last comment: Could all the players that want to play SSF mode maybe make a Discord or a forum group, and then peacefully agree on which of the official servers to roll on? Tell the result, loud and clear, in every possible way. Then the rest of us could stay clear of that server, and they have their precious SSF in peace.

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I play OSRS/RS3, Ironman Mode there is effectively Solo Self Found, no trading with other players, no selling anything you make on the Grand Exchange, it’s literally a single player RPG. They’ve recently started to allow grouping for certain things, like the Dungeoneering Skill, but for the most part you’re basically playing solo.

What am I supposed to do with this piece of info?
Happy for you that you found something you like :slight_smile:

Yea exactly. Its a completely asinine statement.

The HC mode that made classic popular enough that it was putting up more twitch views than any other Blizz product, and which was the entire reason they implemented HC servers in teh first place… was SSF.

So pretending like SSF isn’t going to be popular, when it’s literally the reason you’re even having this conversation, is pretty disingenuous.


A lot of people only played ssf cause they had to.

People aren’t gonna play official for ssf (majority)

Ssf addon has already made its identity out to be an absolute joke


Not exactly, the people who made it and the people who use appeals made it a joke. Personally I like the rules, with the exception of appeals and duo/trio leveling.


Not sure you understand how fads work.

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Not sure you understand how anything works tbh lol

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You do know that Era was dead before the streamers started streaming HC right? 5 months ago you could barely get a WSG going on Era.

Enjoy it while its still popular cause it aint gonna last long once official comes out.

Already there, although popularity has nothing to do with it.

I hope so. It’s been much better lately, many of the jerks have left. It may become a nice server again.

Loll dude, I came to the same conclusion a couple times arguing with the same dude … hilarious :joy:

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I mean…maybe, or disable all AH and banking until lvl . I’d be cool with that too.

Somebody is still sore from getting rekt last week I see

Sorry but not sorry kid. It’s your own fault. You hurt yourself.

Youll get over it in time, I assure you