Hey everyone!
is currently searching for exceptional DPS and Healers to fill out our mythic raid roster. Preferably, we are looking for RDPS, but all classes may apply!
About Us
We are a guild that has recently formed from a core of players who raided mythic together in Legion. We have many experienced players within our current roster, including a 9/12 M lead. Our goal is to progress as far as we can in Mythic Ny’alotha with the time we have left and create a solid roster that we can bring into Shadowlands to progress quickly through heroic, mythic, and obtain Cutting Edge each tier. Outside of raiding, we have an active social discord where we hang out daily. We also enjoy pushing high m+ keys and occasionally pvping.
Raid Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00-11:00PM EST
Thursday: 8:00-11:00PM EST
Additionally, optional Heroic alt runs will be on Friday’s from 8:00-11:00PM EST.
Current Progression
We are currently 5/12 M, having downed the first 3 bosses + Shad’har and Hivemind. We are now working on progressing on Ra-den.
Please consider joining us if you’re looking for a guild that will grow with you, support you, and give you a place to play with friends that do high-level content!
If you would like to speak to an officer with any further questions, you can contact us here:
Soami (Recruitment Officer) - Soami#11155
Akoola (Guild Master) - Akoola#1944
Morg (General Management) - SmoggieDoggi#1956
Soami (Recruitment Officer) - Soami #7923
Akoola (Guild Master) - Akoola#6598
Morg (General Management) - Smoggie#8173