Guild found

Found guild

Hey Ee!

My Guild Fruit Basket on BH has recently formed from a group of friends that raided together in Legion. Currently we’re 5/12M which I understand would be quite a downgrade for your progression, but we’re able to provide all 3 of the things you’re looking for. We have multiple 3k io+ players that love running keys and we hang out in discord every day.

We’re looking to get as far as we can in Ny’alotha with the time we have left, and have been making quick progress, downing shad’har and hivemind the same night we first see them. In Shadowlands we’re looking to achieve CE every tier.

Take a look at us and shoot one of us a message if you’re interested at all. We can accommodations for whatever role you’d prefer to play.

Be wary of this individual, Ee- tichondrius, invited him to trial and ultimately he was not accepted due to multiple issues. Unwilling to accept this he attempted to steal/ hold hostage our raid lockout to get invited back.

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