[H][Bleeding Hollow] By Design [6/9M]

Hello, I am a 249 R Druid with a 247 BM Hunter alt currently looking for a guild. I’m interested in possible recruitment. I’m comfortable either healing on my druid or rdps on my hunter, whichever is most required (strongest as healer). I just recently came back to the game and am looking for a good group of friendly people to complete content with. As I just returned, I’m unsure what level of M+s I can complete, but I’m more than willing to try and I’d like to raid in SotFO as well. I’m a veteran vanilla-BFA raider who most recently raided in Nathria N & H at the beginning of SL. If you’d like to contact me, my BNet ID is Shauni777#1216. I can usually be found on my hunter (Shaunï ) and occasionally on my druid (Tsukiyami).

Added you, I’ll reach out soon.

Bump! Looking for decently experienced players who are interested in AotC and CE, be okay with constructive feedback, and a good time :wink:

Any solid DPS wanting to be involved in semi-casual Mythic progression, please reach out.

more we are looking for yes

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Don’t make us beg.

Bumpy bump!

I like tacos.

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Bump still looking for dps and a healer

Are you still looking, mainly enh shaman here but also have a mw monk, and are your raid times still 8-11 EST?

Raid times are still 8-11pm, we swapped days to Wednesdays and Thursdays this expansion. Add me on Battle.net, Silain#11504 and we can chat.

I sent you a FR as well. Definitely interested if you have room will to play a couple thing but was hoping to either Druid or DH Tank, Havoc or spriest

(post deleted by author)

Looking for more still!

Mega bump to the bump

Daddy?! =o

Bumpity bump

Would be nice to have a 2nd DK DPS for our raid and definitely need another healer.

Bumpeth thy post

What is love?