Hawt n Hordy Looking for Heroic Raiders!

Hawt n Hordy

(Battle Group: US - Elune, Laughing Skull, Cho’gall, Auchindoun, Elune, Gilneas)

is recruiting dedicated and experienced skilled players for our Heroic Raid Team. (8/9H) (9/9N). Heroic Team runs Tuesday and Wednesday and optional Friday (alt raid) 9:15-11:30 Server Time (EST).

Looking for:

Range DPS:
2 Hunter, Boomkin, **ELE SHAM (resto O/S)

DK (w / Tank O/S) , Demon Hunter, Warrior

**Resto Shaman (w / Ele O/S)

*** Exceptional player of all classes welcome to apply!!!

PST STRYDER #1984 — Bäiñê in game or ask online members to refer you to an officer For more info.

Join our community Hawt n Hordy


We have a casual raid group that is also recruiting for Friday and Saturday night raids that is accepting all skill levels of players for a friendly laid back social gathering.


Still recruiting

Range DPS - hunters, ele shaman w/ resto O/S, Boomkin, death knight, Demon Hunter

*** Want a try us out and shows us what you bring? Join us for a relaxed normal full clear at 9:30pm Friday night. If cleared fast enough, we hit heroic after. Min IL 440 for normal.