Hunter LF AOTC Guild

Looking for the opportunity to earn a raid spot for AOTC focused guild. Dabbling in mythic once AOTC is done would be a bonus. This my relevant info:

Btag: Sicknote47 #1114
Availability: Tues/Thus/Sun 9:00 PM - 12:30 AM Eastern (would prefer 2 night schedule)

Still looking.

We are currently looking for a hunter. Our schedule might be possible for you: Tues/Wed 9:15pm to 11:30pm EST. Alt runs Friday 9:15pm to 11:30pm EST. Currently 5/9H 9/9N.

Very active guild of various player skill levels from casual to more serious. My team consists of the more serious mindset for progression.

Please check out our post:

Hawt n Hordy Looking for Heroic Raiders! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

How’s it going Raven? Our guild Coded Chaos - Mal’Ganis, is always interested in solid Ranged DPS. We raid Tues/Thurs 7-10CST. Our current prog is 9/9N 7/9H. We aim to knock out AOTC and push towards Mythic.

BTAG: Brizzle#1972
Discord: Drakzula