Havoc mage tower

I’d swap the vers enchants for haste.
Do you have access to any old legendary’s that have sockets?
Or use korthia gear items and slap some sockets on to those.

Also remember to use the PVP vendor in Stormwind to purchase +3 agi gems(Delicate Ornate Ruby) for 1 mark of honor each, instead of paying crazy prices from the AH.

Ok so I can sometimes make it to p2 now but I hate that I can’t practice it. Work my tail off in p1 only to wipe in p2 because I’m not used to killing the adds sucks.

Did someone say you can start in the middle of the platform in p2? Is there a vid of this somewhere?

Also what consumables? I’m using cinnamon food for haste buff, endless currents flask, and unbridled fury

So I want to put in my 2 cents here again because I noticed it when I was doing my MT a week and a half ago. So I contacted the guys and gals over at Deadly Boss Mods and had them update the addon where when the big dude is out, there is now a timer in which the adds spawn, so for those individuals, DHs other classes, this will make it easier for you to time your abilities and get ready for the adds, you can do it with out it, but this is just to make it easier.

Cheers and good luck!


You can. If you have the boss drop his first puddle right in the middle of the room (it has to be nearly spot on just FYI), it will fill up the entire middle of the room. Basically only leaving you the outer edge of the circle. I believe he only drops a new puddle roughly every 30 seconds, so this buys you some extra time since his first circle doesn’t really eat up any space you need.

However, keep in mind one thing… I tried doing this, but it made the adds a bit more difficult for me. That middle black circle will literally take up about 90-95% of the whole platform. So, when you dash away from the boss to the drop the adds, the adds aren’t going to walk around the outer edge like you do. They are going to take the shortest distance and walk a straight line to the boss. This often has them getting in that black circle pretty darn quickly. So, if you’re going to do this strat, it seems you need to be prepared to kill the adds quite quickly.

The best way I found to get the boss right in the middle was to start on the opposite side of where the add spawn so he runs right to you. When the mage NPC’s summons the add, go to the opposite side of the orb. He drops the first puddle about 5-7 seconds in? Note, if he’s too close to one side, the puddle will expand too far on that side and eat up that edge. I can’t find any video on anyone using this strat - I just saw a comment saying it and tested it a few times.

I have always started at an edge. And when almost to me, I’ll keep backing up or jumping away till he is at the very edge as well. From center may be doable…but I was able to beat both now and in Legion doing this.

I used Unbridled Fury, current flask/current haste food. What you’re using sounds good.

Just because I am not seeing it suggested anywhere–I switched back to the build I am most comfortable with for phase 2: Felblade/Demon Blades. Master of the Glaive is key–and I took Glaive Tempest over the others for this part.

Glaive Tempest while killing the 3 slowed adds with single target was what worked out best for me–they die in a couple of seconds. Also keep in mind, the further you run from the boss with these adds, the more time/floor space potentially used up. Either you have to get back to the boss, or him to you–even worse. The more time I spent think about distancing further from the boss, the less I spent successfully killing the mobs.

Also, you can stand in the outer edge of the purple to maximize floor space. The visual does not perfectly match the part that damages you–looks ever so slightly bigger than it is. I found that I did not need to kite backwards constantly (which is what I tried at first)…a step or 2 every few seconds or longer.

Took me close to 90 attempts, but I got it on the 2nd week of it being up, Wasn’t too bad. Hardest part for me was getting past the Arcane to Frost Phase, Health was often too low for me to survive. After I got that done, 2 attempts on Darkness Within and I killed it.

You can start in the middle, but if you’re having trouble with adds, this might actually be worse for you. If you’re not careful with positioning, they’ll reach the ground aoe sooner than if you start at the edge. This was my experience, at least. I found dragging the boss to the edge gave me more room to work with the adds.

My hands are still shaking, I finally got him down after what I can only guess 80-100 attempts. This fight is possible, but perhaps the hardest of the 3 I have done.(arms, ww, and now havoc) The stats needed to accomplish this is really tight, and you need perfect placement of the void zones in phase 2. This challenge is without any of my doubts harder then legion. I can now go into 2022 knowing that’s one less challenge to overcome and a good victory of adrenaline to walk into the new year.

The video up top of this is a grand help to how to down it. Good luck Slayers, you will need it.


Good God, the RNG behind our healing is maddening.

Some runs I spawn fragments and I’m immortal, while some runs I make nothing and die before Xylem hits Arcane.

And when you don’t have a Chaos Nova for crystals… geez… you might as well wrap it up.

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