Havoc DH, BM Hunter duo LF M+ / raiding guild

As title suggests. Havoc DH and BM Hunter duo looking for a M+ / raid focused guild. We both have Cutting Edge experience, but would like a guild with some early mythic progression. Hoping to find a guild with EST or CST based times with raids ending no later than 11pm EST (10pm server). Thank you for reading.

:tada::dragon: Hark, Champions of Sargeras! Adventure Beckons with [Serene]! :dragon::tada:

Are you tired of spending your days farming Loam Niffen favor when you could be slaying dragons? Have your last ten guilds been more disappointing than a vendor-sold legendary? Fear not, for [Serene] has arrived to save your gaming nights!

:star2: Who We Are: We’re a band of mythic raiders who like to take on giant monsters AND life’s challenges with a laugh and a roar. We’re started a bit late in the season, and we are currently 2/9 in our Mythic Aberrus Progression (not bad for late bloomers, eh?) and we’re out to conquer the rest, but we need YOU!

:mage: What We’re Looking For: We’re short 5 solid DPS players but overflowing with jokes, memes, and impeccable fashion sense (that’s right, we farm xmogs). Whether you’re a healer who’s tired of nobody standing in your lovingly placed circles or a DPS who wants more than just damage meters, we want you in our ranks!

:sun_with_face: Our Culture: We’re “midcore” players - good and dedicated but with ZERO toxicity. We’ll cheer you on as you dodge floor fire, not roast you for it (unless it’s in good fun, of course).

:fire: What We Offer:

  • Mythic Raids: Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm CST
  • Mythic+ galore (because keys are life)
  • Achievement runs (for those who like to show off)
  • Chill environment (sunglasses optional)

:love_letter: How to Join:

Send a PM to our guild leader via Discord: nicoleee or BNet: NiaKota#1232.

Come prepared with your favorite joke; we like to laugh!

So, if you’re looking to turn your WoW experience from mundane to magnificent, from ordinary to extraordinary, from… well, you get the point – give [Serene] a try!

P.S. We have the team to provide most raid buffs, so your spec matters less than just bringing some deeps, but please BYOB (Bring Your Own Battle-Pets).

P.P.S. If you find our lack of hardcore toxicity disturbing, please check elsewhere for your daily dose of rage. We’re all stocked up on chill here.

:video_game: Hope to hear from you. Soon.