Havoc DH anxiety

Well, no. Blade dance was a dodge once every 6-9 seconds.
An active defense ability would be 20-25 seconds. If that breaks gameplay, increase the cooldown. Pretty simple imo

Probably not, or blizzard wouldn’t have nerfed it. Think you’re giving blizzard too much credit if you anticipate they have that much foresight.
This is kinda why having progressional testers is so important.
Blizzard relies on free labor in beta testing to fix their game, rather than having actual professional testers tell them about these broken mechanics before they happen.
Think rextroy would exist if blizzard actually tested their stuff before releasing it?

With this I absolutely agree.
This is a problem. Our defensive toolkit is terrible.
Blade dance losing dodge was a long-overdue nerf. However, when I say that, I implicitly claim that we’re long overdue reasonable defensives.

We were broken, absolutely. So fix us. Give us better defensives that are more skill-based than passive / biproducts of a damaging rotation

sorry i misinterpreted what you meant and thought you were saying the same CD rate.

100% agree with your points; and there lies my gripe, had they made these changes by altering our toolkit to make up for the ability lost i would be applauding them. but they just went crazy with the DH leaving almost nothing.
To add that they also added so much to other classes on top of this and it makes DH a complete joke in all serious minded content compared to its competition, if we had dps numbers that shown viability to us as a glass cannon then maybe this would not be an issue as much.

My suggestion is to make immolation aura function similar to the mage (elemental) Shield, perhaps if its destroyed before it expires it grants a amount of Fury to contribute to DPS. that’s just a shot in the dark though

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Because Soothe doesn’t do damage and if the intended use for Blade Dance was to be used as a utility, then First Blood shouldn’t exist at all.

Yeah that’s Blizzard. Did the same thing to DKs after their launch, we just took a little while longer to get the bat.

That’s actually a really good idea, especially since current Immolation Aura is bland and uninspiring, even with the current talents.

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Blizzard clearly intended for DH to use utility for offense and offensive abilities for utility when they first designed the class. If you can’t see that is how it was created you are blind. We had blade dance giving use 100% dodge. Meta still has the brief full immune period when leaping. We still have fel rush being required to use for momentum. They just added unbound chaos requiring fel rush. Fel Rush has a damage component tied to it. At the start of legion we had an artifact weapon trait that when you used blur it refunded 2 charges of fel rush which then tied into more momentum uptime. Our interrupt is the only one that gives us resource increasing our dps when we interrupt, same with our purge. Vengeful Retreat is used in Momentum it even granted us momentum in legion. There’s probably a few I’m forgetting as well.

You can argue whether this is bad design or not. There is no argument that using utility for offense and offense for utility wasn’t an intentional design decision by Blizzard when they first made the class. I thought they were starting to go back on this design, but then I just remembered they buffed the damage component on Fel Rush in Shadowlands. Fel Rush is now a dps increase to use on 2 or more targets even without momentum, so actually I have no idea what Blizzard is going for with the design and they probably don’t know either at this point.


Agreed. Immolation aura was a core ability from Warcraft 3. If any ability deserves some modification to “spice” it up, it’s immolation aura. The current design is… disappointing, to say the least.

Though, in Warcraft 3, it would deal sustained damage while consuming mana. It was a fundamentally offensive ability.

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thanks glad yall like the ideal, if you know a platform where it can get some criticism and some theory crafting feel free to pose it. would love to hear what others think about it and how they would improve upon the ideal