Havoc 9.2.5 ATTENTION

That would make DH way to OP. Darkness while stunned is the only one I would agree with.

Itā€™s so bizarre to me that Blizzard prioritizes buffing M+ mobs/bosses that have been fine for 18 months. Then when they bork that badly, needing to spend 48 hours on hotfixes and maintenance to patch the new bugs they created.

However they have unanimous agreement for veteran players on the most popular spec in the game, saying that their spec is broken and needs an adjustment. No response.

Great job.



We gotta make this trend. XD


I think that very few people now play with this class at the moment. maybe the new people who arrive see her attractive but in the long run they end up rollit for a better one.
whenever I see in keys the people who apply the most are 4 hunters and 7 locks, warriors, monks and one or another mague.
I put this monk to lvl to distract myself, I spent hours trying to pug a key and be accepted as a dh even having 3310io.

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Please never speak these words again. Sinful Brand is the worst thing thatā€™s ever happened to this class.


Please never speak these words again.

Sorry, couldnt resist mate

There is either some strong bias going on over at Blizzard against havoc or they are literally only looking at the graph for current raid rankings and see havoc right in the middle and think everything is ok. My speculation for this is that all of the buffs they have been doing have been targeted at those at the bottom of the list, regardless of how well they have been performing in dungeons like destro and WW.

And looking at season one when havoc was in the gutter it was a bit of the opposite. The ST damage was horrible and the aoe was pretty decent, so naturally we were at the bottom of that chart and every time balance changes came we were included and received aura buffs. Just feels like they are so clueless and out of touch with the game that they donā€™t know what they are doing when it comes to balance and just take a lazy approach to it.

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Wellā€¦havoc is pretty bottom of the AoE soā€¦still no compensation buffs to the AoE while every other spec that has a weakness gets buffs to fix them

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Thats the problem! They are simply looking at charts, charts over actually playing the damn class, if they just play the damn class, theyll know first hand what is going on. WEVE ALL TOLD THEM, Sinful should not be 30 to 35% of our damage, Our tier set while it was just bad to begin with is substantially non existent. We have a button we donā€™t press, a talent set up that is 100% RNG focused and a Lego that adds more RNG on top of it (Unless your running CA then ignore this).

I said this AWHILE back and Im on my Hunter character not my DH because Im getting her caught up ilvl wise just so I have something else to play versus this bullcrap treatment were getting. I said awhile ago that we always have to fight for our share, whether its an aura buff or a rework. And even then it doesnt help the fact that ITS NOT HELPING FIX WHAT IS WRONG


100% agree. Sinful Brand is a DOT. It is the worst thing that has happened. I rolled Demon Hunter when it was first released. It was a cleave class (the Mage Tower was designed around the fact they are a cleave class). Now I spend my time maintaining a DOT. If I wanted to do that I would play feral druid. Our Blade Dance is bad. Glaive Tempest has a hit cap. Fel Barrage is on the same talent row as Demonic. Its just all around bad. I can do the immolation aura + fel rush, but even after three seasons it still feels bizarre to play. Overall, the spec is in a rough state.


Iā€™m honestly falling out of love with this game more and more, how hard is it to really tune a class right? I guess really hard if you work at Blizzard but still lol

I hope your talking about the 3 adds on phase 2 of that fight, that i wouldnt really consider ā€œcleaveā€ if their weak enough to AoE down. That fight is 98% Single Target

Bump /10char

Just wanted to add my 2 cents here. I remember complaining to a group of friends that when tier sets were coming out, the demon hunter one seemed lame. A flat damage increase for one skill, and a seemingly small cd reduction for Meta. Lame.

Was told by several people that ā€œsinful brandā€ was dope and that we were doing tons of damage on PTR. So I stuck with the DH.

Wrong choice. Damage aside, this sinful brand build is LAME. It is not fun to keep a dot up, when I want to be the AoE/Cleave king. If I wanted to keep a dot up, I would play a affliction warlock. Our tier set, mastery skill, and sinful brand, is boring.


/bump 10char

And if we have to do any mechanic our dot usually falls off because we arenā€™t getting cycle of hatred procs and we lose a ton of damage, very frustrating


I agree with 100% of what you said. Our AOE is complete garbage outside of Meta. Since weā€™re forced to play Venthyr for the rest of this season/patch/tier, the only source of good AOE is our Meta. The class needs more consistency with damage without the help of a 3:20 Meta timing. (Our 4 piece is hot garbage btw, make it give more CDR pls.)

Outside of Raid, Havoc DH is a extremely niche class to take now in M+. With WW Monks, Warlocks and Hunters being at the top. Thereā€™s nothing much that Havoc brings to the table other than the 5% magic debuff. With the recent WW Monk buff with the insane heavy ST 20% buffs to every spell, why canā€™t DH get that same treatment to our natural AOE. Itā€™s extremely silly that Sinful Brand is the highest damage in AOE.

My Suggestion would obviously be with your thoughts that Blade Dance needs a buff. Maybe increasing it by a significant amount (20-50%). Make some of the Blade Dance Talents baseline perhaps (First Blood and Trail of Ruin). But one of the biggest things with DH even with doing those changes is that weā€™re forced to still press Chaos Strike 80% of the time even in AOE since it resets our CD on Eye Beam. Adding Blade Dance to Cycle of Hatred would be huge for our class. Perhaps making it (0.5 seconds per target hit up to 5 targets). It would make Blade Dance worth while to press during AOE.

Whether they add more damage to Blade Dance or make some of the talents baseline. Some other spells need more attention like Fel Barrage. Make that baseline and uncap the damage on it (I donā€™t understand why itā€™s capped in the first place.) but that would give us an extra button to press during AOE. I donā€™t understand why Unbound Chaos is a thing. They obviously made it better since the beginning having it not summon some random shadow when you Fel Rush for AOE and made it just baseline damage on the Fel Rush. But WHY is it a thing? Itā€™s extremely awkward to press, sometimes you canā€™t even press it when we want to do damage and for whatever reason itā€™s been nerfed from 600% to 500% from the previous patch. Move the damage onto Blade Dance, Immolation, or Fel Barrage and make it baseline.

Thereā€™s a lot of things that DH needs to be fixed but some of these suggestions I think would make the class compete with the others in AOE. Make some talents baseline, moving damage around but whatā€™s silly is that DH has the least if not zero changes that benefit our class while other classes has the biggest changes such as Hunter, Warlock, Rogue and Monk. Our tier set is extremely boring when it comes to how our class needs to be played. Flat buffs that need to already be baseline and a 4 tier piece only adding 30-40 seconds CDR on our Meta. Blizzard needs to stop staring at the WarcraftLogs DPS charts. Weā€™re clearly good in ST but our AOE is complete garbage compared to the other classes. Let the DH enthusiasts like myself play the game how itā€™s intended.

PS. I miss BFA DH.


They need to make mastery affect all fury spenders, period. Either that, or make blade dance and death sweep chaos damage as well as Felblade and Immolation Aura and Throw Glaive. This will increase the value of mastery.

Remove fel rush off the DPS rotation already. It didnā€™t work for windwalker with Chi Torpedo, and it wonā€™t work with DH. Give Havoc actual baseline spells instead of trying to shoehorn a mobility spell into their damage rotation.

Revert the nerf to Demonic, put it back to 8 seconds. Everyone loves Demonic, turning into a demon is a huge part of the class fantasy and only turning into one every 3-4 minutes is not something people enjoy.

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Not to mention, the vast amount of RNG behind it.

bump /10char