Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

It’s worth pointing out that WoW plays fast and loose with the sizes of people for the sake of standing out. Varian for example was way bigger than he was supposed to be so he’d look more important, and I believe the players are as well. I’d have to look it up, but I get the impression the movie is more consistent with what the average heights are meant to be.

Nah, it’s clear that Kul Tiran humans are meant to be massive, it isn’t just a gameplay mechanic.

Humans in art are always pretty consistently portrayed as being similar in size to orcs, as is evidenced by the aforementioned MoP cinematic.

Also, the size of the races seems pretty well represented by in-game player sizes when compared to one another. They aren’t far off from what they’re meant to be.

Tauren are off, by quite a bit because of our dread enemy the door frame.


But comparative to the other players they’re still the largest race.

That’s also a special case wherein they needed to be toned down for gameplay purposes. Orcs and Humans never needed to have that happen to them.

I think the larger kul’tiran are more an anomaly than anything. We see far more average sized Kul’tirans than we do the larger ones

Regardless, humans can still pretty commonly grow to that size…
I mean, we see massive Kul Titan humans all over the place, so I wouldn’t necessarily call it a rare anomaly. This size is also not special to Kul Titans alone, any human can reach that size.

I mean, warriors in WoW also have extreme super strength regardless of size.
I don’t think there’s that massive of a disparity between Humans and Orcs.

I don’t take the gameplay stuff too seriously mainly because our characters have to be able to kill things in order to level up and actually do stuff.

Like if a gnome existed IRL, it isn’t going to be running around with a weapon 4xs their size and weight, let alone be wielding two of them

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What do you mean?

Varían canonically killed a dragon with a sword.

He killed a massive demon with a sword alone.

Warrior characters have canonically killed Archimonde.

An Orc wounded Sargeras with an axe.

Warriors are canonically super-roided super soldiers, this is entirely canon lol.

Like yeah, that’s not realistic to irl… but this isn’t irl this is Warcraft. People can canonically have early Goku levels of strength and that’s perfectly lore-accurate.

Everything you mentioned are super special characters in WoW.

Little Johnny the Warrior didn’t do any of that. A human with the blessing of a WILD GOD did

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Varían is still a human?

A human that killed massive demons and slays dragons with a sword alone.

My point is that warriors in Warcraft aren’t comparable to irl at all.

The average human warrior is still mega-roided with super strength lol.

Blessed by a literal nature god.

Making him better than your average warrior

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Weapons in wow are comically oversized for their function… and most people wouldn’t be able to carry them much less safely swing one.



As I said, an average warrior still has the power to fight dragons and supernatural beings.

They’re not comparable to actual warriors irl lol.

Didn’t say they were. It’s a fantasy game after all.

This is why people headcanon PC Warriors are using a different expression of Chi or some form of instinctive blood magic that grants supernatural strength. If you think too hard about it one’s brain hurts.

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That’s my point?

Warriors in WoW are extremely powerful super soldiers. Orcs and Humans are pretty physically equal in most representations of the game.

I mean, it is fantasy.

There’s nothing to say that your character can’t just continually get physically stronger and stronger the more they train.

All I’m saying is nobody is taking a gnome warrior seriously. You have to ignore a lot of things to make it work

It’s why I don’t take it that seriously when it comes to comparing how Strong X class is supposed to be

I mean, yeah.

There’s no sense of realism in WoW, there never was to begin with lol.

I personally do not find that logical because bodies have limits. It is what the game says, but it also superhero comic logic, which is to say it is not logical.

I fully admit I am coming at this with a realism filter RPer brain. The game merilly ignores that and channels Marvel all day long.