Having to switch between static and dynamic flight is a pain in the back side!

I did. We’re not playing the fully implemented version is the answer. Since skyriding wasn’t ready yet for our old mounts the only way to allow tbc flying in the dragon isles was to have them be separate for now.

How does a few seconds cast time mean “not wanting us to swap all the time”?

Right back at you.

There is no cast time in between mounting up cast times, that’s what I was referring to. I shouldn’t have to point out the obvious. And druids don’t have a mount cast time.

That still doesn’t explain your reasoning whatsoever.

If it’s not an issue why are you complaining?

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

You’re the one that stated that. Explain it.

lol how is it my reasoning? I don’t work for Blizz.

They added a cast time time to swap.
They obviously prefer Sky Riding since it’s “baseline”.

Use your brain.

Why are you so obtuse?

A 5 sec cast time is tedious enough to make you think about the opportunity cost of swapping back and forth.

I really hope I don’t see any of you in the Dawnbreaker Dungeon if you have such poor dragonrididng skills that you feel the need to swap all the time.

Because you’re the one making it up.

So in other words, you have no logic behind your response. You made an assumption with nothing to back it up.

Yes you should.

That’s all you.

And every time we bring logic into the conversation… you end up acting immature and insulting people.

Look to thine own self.

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lol so you agree

Making up what?

I’m not a fan of it either, OP. But I’m also not a fan of ending EVERY sentence with an exclamation point.

Not at all. You say it’s a deterrent but can’t give any proof of that. I say it’s needless tedium and you can’t counter that with any logical answer.

Tedium is a deterrent bro.

Why does there need to be tedium at all? Why are you defending it so hard?

It’s like conversing with a stone…

This is your made up reason:

Blizzard has not announced this. They have not alluded to this. Thus, you made up the reason.

Once more… there is no logic behind that assumption based on the fact that there is currently no cast time to swap and the game did not implode nor did people stop running content or any other reason.

The only logical reason I can think of is that if it did work similar to what you said before about spec swapping having a cast time… is that it does this due to the system needing to load different bars and abilities for each.

That would be a logical reason. “Because they don’t want us to” is not a logical reason.

There’s only so many times I can explain that.

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Where am I defending the design? Just because I can infer Blizzards intentions based on past decisions doesn’t mean I support those choices.

Is this the thread where I complain that having to switch between specs is a pain in the back side?

Yep. I made it all up. It’s not like Blizz doesn’t regularly do stuff like this.

You’ve proven to not be arguing in good faith, as you completely skipped over everything else I’ve said.

At least we got that cleared up.