Having to switch between static and dynamic flight is a pain in the back side!

You need to add one more option to the selection of static and Dynamic flight and that is to have it the way it was in Dragon Flight! I used to be able to choose a Dynamic mount or a static mount! Now, I have to Futse around bring up the mount frame, and change from one to the other no matter what mount I use it is a complete pain in the backside now! Before I had only to use one of 2 action buttons to mount a static or Dynamic mount now I have to do idiotic things to switch from one style to another of flight! Thanks for making things more of a pain like you always seem to find a way to do!


There should be only skyriding as an option for flying.

Unlimited flying is a wrong concept that should never have existed.


Just uninstalled the Bata, Not going to play if I have to screw around switching back and fourth instead of just picking a mount that can do one or the other. Makes the way I play to much of a hassle!


how often do you need to switch?

EDIT: looking it up, you literally just press a button that you can drag onto your action bars to switch, I’m not sure I see what issue you’re having OP.


Not all mounts will have skyriding enabled so you can technically do it with one that does and one that doesn’t.


Someone had a cool idea about flight switching to regular flying when you’re out of vigor. lol


Let’s say u wanna fly to a npc nearby in a closed/tight space, u won’t use skyriding, u will want old style, but the npc is closer than 10s flight, yet u have a CRAZY 5s cast before u can change to the older style 

If this is done using a skill like that it should be no cast and no gcd, so that it can be macroed or added to addons like litemount.

If we end up always having some mounts that don’t do skyriding, that could be avoided by using one those mounts, but i doubt that that is the case, i’m assuming that blizzard will implement that for every mount that can fly so no one cries for that, which would also likely happen if they didn’t.


Bliz have said roughly 350 mounts will be skyriding enabled.

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well, I counted 330 flying mounts(in DFs journal, so no TWW mounts and some mounts that i don’t have i can’t see), i might have missed the count up or down a few, but that means pretty much every flying mount or very close to it.

If i’m not wrong some AoTC and TCG mounts don’t show in there if u didn’t get when it was available or for TCG until u learn the item.

Prior to the announcement and introduction of dragonriding, did you feel that flight was terrible? Did you post here how awful, how much of a ‘wrong concept’ flying was? Did anyone?

Probably not.

I suspect many people who say how they dislike normal flight and won’t use it, will use it if their current situation is made easier by using it. They just won’t bother to admit it.


They has been talks for many xpacs off and on, on how to make flying better or more exciting by players. Specially if it meant that it would bring it back at the start of a xpac.

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there was a lot of discussion around flying and if it’s good/bad for a long time before dragonriding.


Clearly we need Dynatic flight.


Ive been on this forum for many years and I have no memory of “lots of” complaints about flying. The only real complaints centred on Pathfinding, which was an ongoing pimple on the face of WoW, and continues to be doled out to this day.

Some people didnt like it in principle - like, at all - because they felt it gave an unfair advantage when some people could fly and some couldn’t. Some felt it destroyed ‘immersion’ (boy do I remember those immersion discussions) but I dont recall any posts saying the methodology was bad, just certain aspects of how flight in general was used.

If you can find some posts saying flight was bad technically, I’d love to see them.


I think the button/toggel/whatever to switch between the two needs to be a bit more intuitive to make switching more seamless but I don’t plan to switch to old flying even when I have it unlocked, so it won’t affect me. But I know others will want to change their flying style.

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My understanding is that mounts on this list will be static flying, no matter what mode you’re in. Has it already been changed?

I legit don’t get your complaint. It’s not hard to swap, at all. In what way do you play that this makes it difficult? With your feet?


I haven’t encountered this situation even one time in dragonflight.


the majority of complaints around flying started to spring up around the time pathfinder was first introduced. Pathfinder limiting flying was an excuse to talk about flying in general and there were lots of arguments on if flying was even healthy for the game, how it effected things like world pvp (I know, I hate wpvp too), and how it effected zone design. A good chunk of players felt like you no longer had to interact with the world and you might as well be teleporting between objectives.

There were definitely complaints about flying prior to pathfinder, like I said mostly centered on wpvp.

I really don’t feel like digging up old threads, I’m not that dedicated to being right on the wow forums.

but I’d argue that dragonriding was a direct response to the devs dissatisfaction with how flying worked and the discussions pathfinder spawned, letting players skip slow ground traversal, while still requiring at least a tiny bit of active gameplay.


I was not able to do that in Bata the button was not movable from the mount panel. If it is in the release version I will be OK with that.