The ladder is constantly losing players and isn’t growing because PvE gear weighs too much in PvP power wise in Wrath.
I compared a full Savage Warrior that I’m on rn with a mix of Hateful/Deadly off pieces at around ~750 Resil with a full Hateful Warrior on Warmane with a mix of ArP off pieces and wep from raids and it was night and day how swapping out a couple pieces can spike your damage so high.
For me to be able to get these ArP pieces, every raid I have to compete with Rets and DKs and other Warriors constantly meaning week after week you just have to be stuck relying on RNG just to progress in PvP while other people can get better RNG and roll you in PvP with far better optimized items.
This doesn’t only apply to Warrior, I’ve seen this same thing with Warlocks, Mages and Rogues especially. There is a massive difference between getting PvE pieces even this early on vs. only having PvP gear.
What will kill Wrath’s arena scene is the reliance on every spec needing to raid in order to optimize in PvP, this will either lead to the TBC problem of people RMT’ing gold and buying out GDKPs or people straight up getting burned out and not even wanting to compete anymore due to how bad RNG can make you significantly weaker than those who lucked out and got their pieces early.