Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

Doesn’t matter.

PvP doesn’t happen in the starting sanctuary zones anyway.

Nah I’ll be PvP. Why? Sharding is irrelevant to those distinctions, as if there IS sharding, it’ll be in the zones where PvP won’t be a thing anyways.

My issue is if they can’t do launch without sharding, what makes you think doing things like the AQ gate opening event will be any different in terms of player numbers?


Give it a rest. That horse was already pounded to a pulp and sent to the glue factory, why are you trying to resurrect it?

Also, literally no one cares.

Ignorance is bliss,

I still care about this topic :slight_smile:

Shouldnt have to worry about this period. If they are sharding high level zones ill literally lead the riot brigade myseld.

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And yet “few weeks” is vague. And read lores post and tell me what you think

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there is pvp in start zones if your on a pvp server.

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Then retail is the game for you, not classic.

If it’s as bad as you claim it to be. Then please explain how WoW was such an unprecedented success for the first 14 years without sharding.

It’s ok, i’ll wait patiently for that response.


just because it can survive and be sucessful without a feature doesnt mean that the feature wouldnt be a good addition. lets use some critical thinking skills, ur a gnome after all.

Oh the irony.

You said it yourself “It can survive and be successful without it”. And with history on my side, clearly this feature isnt need nor is it a good addition, based off results.

Sit down, slap yourself, send yourself back to school.


EEEY, we did it! thanks to people like Eloraell we kept this post and its wack title at the top and blizzard noticed and decided to use layering (multiple realms and then reduce realms basically) instead of phasing away constantly with sharding. gg

Sharding and CRZ killed retail, and it will do the same for Classic.

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Making loot rain from the skies and wasting development resources on boring content like Warfronts did more damage, imo.

I’m not against layering. Though I think they need the tweak that if you’re grouping to another layer, you have to enter an Inn before you switch. Saving the whole PVP escape, switch for Rares, switch for nodes, junk.

Good thing it wont be around for more than a couple weeks then, huh? Derp

layering removes most of the immersion breaking sharding experiences, and it’s only in stage 1 so i think the game will be fine. if you’re not going to play due to this then you’re probably not a true fan, just looking for an excuse to not play.

Crashes & Queues > Sharding

I have been in 2 hour queues just to have the server crash. Yes it’s horrible and not fun. But I will take a few days of that over sharding for phase 1.

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its going in they already have layering.it will be there when classic launches.

So Blizzard say, and how trustful has this company been over the past few years?