Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

You can’t have competition and sharding at the same time since shard swaping is a thing, if a guild is already engaged with lord kazzak, you can force your character to swap to a different shard where lord kazzak is uncontested.

J Allen Brack says whatever people want to hear. He’s not the head of development or the Classic Lead Engineer. He’s a HR weenie that ran out of places to weasel a promotion into.

I agree, no official statement. But that does not mean they intend to shard everything. Show me where they actually said they intend to shard everything…

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They set NO geographical or chronological limits with that statement, let alone _clearly defined, definitive _ limits.

Actually read what you wrote and pay close attention to the words which wetr carefully chosen to give the impression of setting limits while not actually doing so. .

the example is NOT MINE.

We understand that, and I understand completely, that sharding is antithetical to a cohesive Classic community, where you’re competing over limited resources . When Lord Kazzak is up, and guilds are racing to defeat him, there needs to be only one Lord Kazzak. When you’re trying to get, you’re trying to lock down the Thorium veins that spawn in limited sections of the world, you should be competing over limited resources.


in my first post
the example given for sharding was one kazzak
post ends with "but i’ve yet to find an official source."

free talk during a Q&A isnt an official statement.

you are arguing just to argue :confused:

I never said it was an official statement. Repeatedly I said it was their stated intention.

Do you english bro?

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One would think that the lead game designer for the game we’re talking about is an official source…

q&a is just free talk.

remember when they said no vanilla servers over the years? nothing said in them has been set in stone.

but kazzak is just an example of why sharding is bad for the community. one that i use because it is from the game lead. :man_shrugging:

Its an example of why they aren’t going to shard.

You really can’t english, can you.

Lol. Your example of kazzak is a joke, sharding aren’t servers, you don’t need compete with sharding enabled since you can force a shard swap.

Mental gymnastics are strong with this one.

you reply JUST to argue again.

im against sharding.
kazzak is an example of why its bad. (NOT EVEN MINE)

what more do you want from me. ???
that is my stance. I DONT WANT IT AT ALL.

they are going to shard. I DONT WANT IT AT ALL. NONE. NONE AT ALL.

The Kazzak example presented was them saying why they aren’t going to shard past launch.

You used it as proof they intend to shard past launch.

None of us want sharding past launch, and Blizzard doesn’t intend to do it.

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the point is not to have shards. i dont want them, thats my stance.

this is from my first post. kazzak was an example of an endgame zone. >>> why people are worried.

an end game zone. this is why so many of us are worried about sharding ruining the game

again you are arguing just to argue.

I’m starting to think you don’t understand english, that’s the only way you could missinterpret an example of sharding not being used. Like the example of lord kazzak, where Ion is explaining that sharding will not go into classic, outside valley of trials and elwynn forest (since certain someone can’t grasp the concept that those are starting zones). and for a limited time.

im against sharding.
Kazzak example = why sharding is bad
say this multiple times…
its not even mine but the game leads.

im against sharding.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Its because you started your rant with this:

They gave an example why why they won’t use sharding at high levels, and you used it as proof that they’re going to shard at high levels and we should all be afraid.

which stands.
example of kazzak

=why people are worried.

(because sharding like this would ruin the game)

And the literal thing you’re quoting is Blizzard saying “We know.”

really?. its almost like that was the point. in a thread against sharding.

holding a view that its bad and using their example.

I don’t think this is worth the time anymore, is like playing chess with a pigeon.