believe it or not, this entire subject does actually come down to skill issues.
people want to do the old things now that they’ve been min/maxed to death. look at classic WoW for example. do any of those rewards mean anything? why not?
believe it or not, this entire subject does actually come down to skill issues.
people want to do the old things now that they’ve been min/maxed to death. look at classic WoW for example. do any of those rewards mean anything? why not?
It was never meant to be and you have to learn to live with that
Mythic titles haven’t been removed yet for any boss. Herald of the Titans, their attempt at adding a “prestige” title for old content can be soloed by a trinket. The last time they had raid-specific titles that were removed was Legion’s Chosen achievement and before that it was for Nax. That is excluding any of the HoF titles.
There are plenty of titles that are seasonal or tied to achievements that are Feats of Strength now, such as the Faceless One, Predator, of the Black Harvest, or any of the seasonal M+ titles which are little more than fancy badges to say “I was playing and did a thing in its relevant expansion.”
That’s not to mention titles tied to things you can’t even do anymore, like Field Medic… if you want an old god themed title, pretty sure Servant of N’zoth is still doable, I think. You just need some friends to kill in some old zones.
This. I actually play mostly solo. Why play an MMO? I love that there are other people in the world. I love my guild, the chat, asking ‘Yo, I just finished Darrowshire’ and a dozen people know exactly what I’m talking about.
BUT, I try not to be an entitled, self absorbed brat. There is a ton of stuff I don’t get access to by not being in a Raiding guild. I was kind of a crap player in Legion, and so I never got the Mage Tower stuff. That is on ME. I’d love to get the black AQ mount, but it’s cool that people that were there at the event have something to show for it that I will never have. (though I do appreciate the blue archy one, nice to have without taking away the prestige from the owners of the black one)
Every snowflake isn’t entitled to everything in the game. Hell, every time I log onto an Forasken toon that isn’t a warlock I really wish I had that green fel warlock mount, but guess what?
I think it’s great that you’re doing this and it was also a big wish of mine. But the most important thing for me is the Story, the Quests that Blizzard keeps removing, e.g. at the pre-patch event in BfA where the horde attacks the Night elves, I would love to play with my alts again.
Visiting old Dungeons and Raids would also be great as I would also like to return to the Upper Blackrock Spire (Classic) which was removed with WoD.
Edit: I think you forgot about the Darkspear rebellion against Garrosh.
Quests are the most important part for me, but I also would like to see the other parts of these things back for other people,
And I do have that under a different name Battlefield Barrens, its the same thing as the darkspear rebellion, afaik, both 5.3 thing
The only thing I would agree with some people here in this thread is that story quests that are important to the story of the expansion should be brought back, old dungeons maybe but I mainly want the story quests for those specific expansions to be brought back.
The devs more or less are against the idea of bringing something back from a earlier expac since it feels like it undermines people who earned it. A big reason they do not allow some stuff to be earnable again is this, in a nutshell. As quoting Syndrome from The Incredibles: “When everyone’s super, no one is”. Some Titles and some cosmetic armors are thus unattainable once the content is not current anymore.
With that said, i’m not against the idea of bringing back some stuff like the vanilla ZG mounts, The Naxx Protodrakes/trial of crusader mounts, the removed AoTC mounts, the Trial of Valor Mythic sets or something along those lines. As long as they find a way that makes sense and reflects the same level of challenge or are made harder to obtain, then i think its a good compromise.
You are entitled to your opinion. I don’t think someone is a loser for sharing it. If anything, i feel like bringing back something but making it very challenging is a good alternative. With that said, i think the main reason the devs would rather not bring back stuff besides undermining is that bringing back content and rebalancing it with modern WoW in mind takes nearly as much effort as just creating new content, so the devs would rather just create new content with temporary feats to obtain instead of going back to bring back and re-adjust older stuff. Some of the older stuff is very barebones in terms of mechanics compared to modern wow.
The people who think those things are cool because they think they look cool would use them, which is all that really matters. It’s honestly pathetic someone would tie so much of their self worth to lording pixels over other players like this.
I got all the mage tower skins, many before they were trivialized, and would have no issues seeing players be allowed to earn them to this day.
Nobody’s asking for this lmao.
What most people I see asking in regards to gladiator mounts at least is being able to pick from the old ones after earning glad in a current season.
Just quit. But send me your gold first.
But you already know you are 1. Did you need some reinforcement on that point?
I totally understand that feeling… But look at it this way: if you keep playing, youll be able to get all that cool stuff that others will wish that had stuck around for.
You can call it fomo if you want, but thats how life is. If you dont participate and allow things to pass you by, you might miss out on cool things. Meaning that if you see something you want, go for it. Dont wait. Seize the day or some crud lol
What you ask for here will likely never happen… On live. They have a team dedicated to recreating old content with the classic team. So your effort is better put into feedback of what expansions you’d like to see on classic so you can earn that stuff. The cadence of live wow is pretty popular from what I can tell and it doesn’t really leave room to revamp old content Esp when classic is already doing basically that
Why not focus on the stuff you can get rather than looking into stuff you cant? There is tuns of stuff for this xpac that you more than likeley havent done.
OP I fully hear ya, its the inconsistency that drives me up the wall.
I’m a pet collector and I played WoW since towards the end of Mists.
As a great example, because I started in Mists, this means I was not playing for WoWs 4th anniversary. For those who don’t know the baby blizzard bear was the reward for logging in during WoWs 4th anniversary.
Fast forward to WoWs 12 anniversary, the login reward for this one was the corgi pup. I logged in and got the pet and expected it to be unavailable after this.
However it is not, they decided to put it on a vendor…
This is great it means all peeps who weren’t there on the 12 anni can still get it. BUT where the heck is the consistency? Why that one? If you are going to make that one randomly available for no good reason then please make ALL the previous anniversary pets available too, there is literally ZERO reason anyone can throw at me without my answer being, ‘but they could do it for the 12th anniversary pet’.
What is good for one is good for all. Get rid of these stupid time limited fomo items. Even if they do what ffxiv does and offer them free the first time and then make them be purchasable (either with real money in the blizzard shop or with in game currency like the corgi is.)
Idk. I have a bunch of unobtainable things like MoP/wod challenge mode transmog, glad mounts, weapon illusions, titles, old recruit a friend mounts, etc. the only reason I use any of them is because they’re rare. If anyone could get these I would probably use them all way less or not use them at all.
There are a bunch of things that I wish I had super badly like cataclysm glad mounts and wotlk pvp tabards and cata elite pvp transmogs but if I could just get them then they’re not cool anymore.
Some stuff being temporarily obtainable while most things are permanent is fine imo.
There needs to be a distinction.
On one hand we’ve got grandfathered items which have only been removed because the content they came from has been replaced or removed such as ZG and Naxx transmog, rare mounts. These things are great to see return and blizzard finding innovative ways to do so should always be a priority. We’re getting the old ZG mounts back amongst other things through the magic of time travel next patch and I think that’s a fantastic opportunity to do that. However…
On the other we have time limited rewards for challenges that are attached to the context and time they were earned. Things like seasonal titles / mounts, challenge mode rewards, tribute to insanity mount, chosen sets, azerite essence title. These I think blizzard would struggle to find meaningful / significant ways to make available that stay true to how and when they were initially obtained. You can’t just recreate the experience of doing 25 man Totc heroic no deaths on live servers, nor can you recreate the experience and challenge of getting gladiator in what may as well be a different game 10 years ago.
I’ve got news for you: If you quit at the end of Cata and only just returned, you’ve been gone for much more than five years.
You’ve been gone for over a decade.
OK, you made me go google “the Faceless One” to see what the fuss was about. Happy now?!
And when I found out what it was I was like…bleh? I hated the damned excuse-for-content-at-the-end-of-an-expac Horrific Visions! Why would anyone be disappointed not to have endured getting that one?
To each their own I guess. I mean I could understand if you signed up for WoW five minutes after the last chance to get the “Scarab Lord” title. That I’d be p’d off about.
Because that’s how it is. Certain things happen at certain times and if you aren’t playing the game then (as you weren’t) then you miss out. No, I won’t call you a pathetic loser - I try not to get personal about such things. You missed out, like I missed on a whole raft of things I’d like to have. But I move on, get what I can as and when I feel like doing it, and don’t bother about what I might miss out on.
You should try my technique. It is called NFOMO = No Fear of Missing Out. It’s easier on the nerves.
Go get herald of the Titans, immortal, undying, plagued/black proto Drake. Champion of the naaru, amani war bear, ZG tiger/raptor. They did it while you were playing this isn’t an unfamiliar concept to you.