You’re going to feel like such a dingus for posting this after you read the patch notes for 10.1.5.
So you’re upset that you can’t go back and steamroll achievements that were difficult to get when it was current? Many titles aren’t obtainable anymore for a reason. It’s to show who put in the effort to get them when they were difficult or time consuming to do. You don’t deserve anything just because you pay to play the game. You don’t deserve anything just because you pay for transfers. You pay for access to the current game. You chose not to pay for access to the game when those achievements were available, so you missed out.
Do you also sign up for Costco memberships just to complain that you missed out on a sale that happened the week before?
What a stupid post.
Always this dumb argument… Nothing prevents blizzard from preserving the difficulty tied to pve content. Nothing.
Always someone with this dumb take.
They would have to put effort in to scaling things down for it. So yes, things do prevent it. Maybe if you want a reward for content you should do it when it is current.
Or maybe blizzard shouldn’t light their own game on fire every patch, destroying the effort that went into the last patches content.
This thread proves the community is awful. At least it gives me a free block list.
There are absolutely achieves from wrath/cata and titles/mounts/prestige items from tbc and vanilla that are “sacred” and now unobtainable. The fact that you don’t have these or arent aware of them doesn’t mean they’re not off limits to current player base.
Do you have seasonal gladiator titles? Hand of adal? Grand marshal? Zul aman bear? Zg tiger? Conqueror of naxxaramas/ magic seeker/obsidian slayer/celestial defender/death’s demise/grand crusader titles? Got a corrupted ashbringer or t3 sets? Are you a scarab lord?
Have lfr color transmogs for any tier but the current one?
Pvp mogs from past tiers?
The game is just designed in such a way that certain things are hard to get once they are no longer current content. Other things are made hard to obtain or unobtainable because they’re accomplishments.
Maybe you’re thinking “of course I don’t have that stuff… it was hard to get”. Well, maybe the titles mounts and items you’re crying about were hard to get too before they became old content that you can defeat with autoattacking. Stop acting entitled. You skipped 5 years of content. You don’t deserve rewards. I quit around cata too. Didnt play that seriously in legion and quit again till now. Still don’t try hard like I once did. I accept that there’s stuff I won’t get/wont be getting. And I’m happy with the unique stuff I have that others will never get. If everything is always obtainable, nothing is ever special.
I tend to think this analogy is overused, but this is one time where it’s 100% accurate. OP is entitled, if not trolling.
I mean…as a marketing strategy it’s a very bad one. Imagine as a new player someone telling you that the main plot of an expansion was removed for FOMO. I’m going to be honest, if I wasn’t already a wow veteran and heard that I would laugh wow off as a stupid piece of trash.
it was designed to be a living world though…wouldn’t a new player want to know that going into the game?
Yea…problem with that argument is we have npcs that let us travel back in time to revisit cities that for all intents and purposes are burned down. Not really a good argument.
the problem is that you just said you’re a veteran player…so you don’t know what the new player experience is like…why are you even using that argument in the first place?
you’re just mad you don’t have things and you want everyone to play on the same level as you
can you go back and re-live the scarab lord event via NPC?
I know this because of what friends have stated. Also I already have the cloak. If anything I’m more pissed off that I simply cannot replay through the story myself.
I understand that your tribalistic thinking results in you believing that everyone around you wants your e-trophy for themselves but realistically nobody really cares about the item itself.
nah you don’t. i don’t believe you, mainly cuz you’re on a hidden account asserting all this stuff. via my forum expertise, that’s a
this is a living world, it’s always been designed that way. the timeline NPC’s are very limited with the span of the content you can re-visit…it was never intended to be a way to link to an entire expansion’s worth of content.
This applies to 90% of the posts on this website.
Believe what you want won’t change the truth
It really isn’t, this ended in Cataclysm at best in reality. There is so much that proves to the contrary that wow is a “living world” now.
oh okay move goalposts now i guess.
all i’m saying is that if a new player were to come into WoW, and think they’d be on the same level as a Veteran, or that they’re gonna experience Molten Core again, and become a scarab lord, etc. they’ve been misinformed.
the real FOMO is the experience imo, not only the pixels.
ya know what is the best thing for your “problem”… quit caring about stupid stuff! If you missed something and can’t get it, so what!!! There is plenty of other stuff out there. if something that is no longer in the game bothers you cause you can’t get it, you have other issues you need to tackle outside the game.
Or maybe all they want is to be able to actually experience the story that was in the game? The fact that this is a foreign concept to someone is pretty astounding and not in a good way.