Purchased a year of of WoW during a special one time promotion, i.e. being in the right place at the right time. I paid for something I was already going to be paying for anyway and as a result “earned” an exclusive mount that until only recently could no longer be obtained.
So. To take this into full context with the conversation.
You didn’t care if someone “earned” something you had…when you earning it meant you did absolutely nothing in game.
And because someone else did something in game to get a reward you got…from not doing anything in game…
That is some how the same as someone else doing something challenging in game to get a reward?
You see how that is very different…right?
one personal gripe I have about exclusive content is when people say “you should have been there”
for a lot of stuff, I was there, the problem is that despite being “bound to Battle.net account”, it doesn’t carry over between regions, so the EU account that I played from Wrath to SL on has a whole bunch of stuff that I can’t get on this account despite earning it at the right place and the right time and being on the same Battle.net account.
Obviously, removing stuff from the game is bad. Look at how the subs are steadily increasing!
i think it’s because of lack of new impactful things in the game tbh…
and i think you’ll be okay OP…breathe in, breathe out.
That’s the point. A good number of these items were completely trivial to get provided you actually played during the time they were available. You just needed an active WoW sub, a credit card and/or gold. I “earned” my mount the same way someone who swiped for CM gear did, I just don’t care if others get the opportunity to get what I have.
If someone was grinding for them, that’s awesome. They have the memories and bragging rights of doing it the “right” way. But I fail to see that as a reason why no one else should ever even be able to attempt to earn the items again.
Can you give me a list of items removed that you had to do nothing in game to get?
This could be mitigated as a compromise by simply adding more stuff to the game. Nobody complains about missing out on seasonal PvP or M+ mounts, because there is basically always a season running where they can get another mount. A lot of the PvE stuff taken out of the game doesn’t get a proper replacement, which is silly in my opinion.
No, because it’s completely irrelevant and arguing semantics. The point being that “I played 10 years ago and you didn’t neener neener.” shouldn’t exclude someone from the opportunity to earn rewards that were by and large completely trivial to earn back in “the olden times” had they actually been playing.
Are there items that were legitimately difficult and time consuming? Yes, there were. I won’t discount the effort required to get them. I also think being able to use them for X number of years before anyone else had the chance to earn them as well serves as a pretty solid incentive to do them when they’re current.
does not equal trivial
off the top of my head:
Wandering Ancient
that Horde Motorcycle
Obsidian Worldbreaker and any other login rewards from anniversary events
anything awarded from a deluxe edition that is no longer sold
all Twitch drops
all TCG items
anything bought from the store that is no longer sold (eg the wyvern cub and gryphon chick)
I’m silently fuming that I missed the Feldrake.
Why is this so wildly overdramatic?
Having stuff that you cannot get anymore is good for the game. If you could have everything that everyone else has, then the game loses a lot of texture. There is value in someone saying “yeah, I was there and did this thing.”
There will always be more of those things.
There’s your problem. The forums are a a breeding ground of hyperbole. Much like this conversation.
FOMO is real and ubiquitous. Stuff goes on sale, runs limited editions, etc. all the time. Wow probably has less than any average shoe company for example. It encourages consistent participation.
It’s not some secret, evil practice. That’s just crazy talk, and undermines any point you may have made. No one can see your point if they’re rolling their eyes.
I have a few CM sets for classes I played at the time. I would not care at all if other people could get those CM sets today.
The problem I have personally is that achievements were made in part for this reason. You could link your achievement so someone could see you got it at a certain time if they cared. (They don’t care.) But, players don’t feel that simply having dated achievements is good enough.
So I feel like removing the sets is what causes the game to lose overall, not me seeing other people with something I have.
I can’t speak to titles, but wouldn’t recolouring be a solution. Like you can never get that orange zulian tiger you had years and years to get, but maybe during this even you can get a red one. You get basically the same mount, and the person who ground ZG once a week for a year to get the original still have the prestige of the original mount.
Can’t tell if this is a a troll or not, but every m+ season you can get a exclusive title. You are asking for chocolate ice cream while you are being served chocolate ice cream. You aren’t focusing on what you have now, you only focus on what you don’t have because.
find a guild.
it’s a massively-multiplayer game, stop playing solo.