A compromise of sorts: you can have the unobtainable items, titles, whatever as long as the effort required is as it used to be. It can’t be bought with tokens or gold.
Unfortunately this would require a lot of tuning work in some cases to scale whatever the content is to current level.
No more so than anyone CARES if “you were there.”
“Cool mog”. That’s all that happens.
NO ONE CARES! If you’re OG, or just bought it off the BMAH. All they see is the item, say “cool!” and move on.
The inability to let people collect old items because you think “YOU’RE SPECIAL” is beneath reproach.
And you might take a moment to notice: I have all this stuff. I’m not saying this because I’m jealous, or sour grapes, etc.
Pets, mounts, toys, Achv, xmog… I’m in 90th percentile for ALL of these things.
After 5 years, bring it all back.
I mean… when an item is CURRENT… let’s say 100 people use that item.
You realize after 5 years, probably only 10 people still use it?? By letting others have access to it, maybe now 20 people would use it.
How is that worse than when you first got it??
Selfish stupidity. That’s all I ever hear from that side of the discussion.
If you REALLY have to prove “you were there” the Achv system does that. Doesn’t matter if you can wear it or not-- it’s “attached” to your chr.
You care a lot, lmao.
The whole thing reeks of jealousy.
There’s still stuff out there you can earn that others won’t ever have, if you want to get those? But you are hard-locked on the old stuff lol.
The answer to this is obvious. If you just think about it for a second. lol
When I already have everything? Way to prove you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Clearly you don’t if you’re raging on getting some mount or toy that’s bothering you so much, because it was your white whale and you could never get over it.
You are very obviously unhappy, I can see that by the way you type.
lol are we supposed to feel bad for OP?
“I left the game and now I’m mad because I missed stuff”
OP do you know how life works?
I missed out on a ton of stuff IRL, but I don’t go around blaming others for it and trying to take it away from them, lmao.
Considering you were gone from WoW, the opposite is actually true.
You should probably just blame Blizz for your own faults.
“I missed out on that Spider Man movie…curse you Blizzard!!! /run to forums”
The white whale section was a great analogy, I do wish the last sentence about a players experience wasn’t included, ruined the comedic value.
Different perspectives are needed from all players, if we are to continue growing as a community.
Hit the nail on the head. I sub 1 month every half a year or so and I am so much better doing so. It is not long now before I’m gone altogether. I only played 2 days out of my month, with 18 days remaining. Just not compelled to play much anymore.
I have a whole collection of things no one can get any longer.
The panda cub? Yup.
The undead slayer judgement recolor? Yup.
A few mounts no longer available? Yup. Some AotC too.
Mage tower stuff? Not all of it but I have some that are sought after. (Looking at you broken ashbringer!)
Given I play a lot and have played since launch, I get all of these exclusive perks. Yay me. Should anyone else be able to get them?
It doesn’t do anything to my experience and enjoyment of the game. It would make me happier knowing other people can get some of these cosmetic items and maybe they’ll find some enjoyment out of them like I did. It’s silly that any of these digital bits are exclusive in any way - meaning there is no longer any way to acquire them.
Asking for the chance to earn things that aren’t in the game anymore is “blaming others and trying to take it away from them”?
This is pretty much the problem. People viewing others having the chance to earn what they have as that item being taken away from them rather than viewing it as others having the chance to earn what they have.
I’ve been using the Tyrael’s Charger mount on my paladins for years at this point. Does it dropping in the Diablo event rustle my jimmies? No, it doesn’t. I still have it, I can still use it and other people having the ability to do so doesn’t impact the enjoyment I get from seeing my characters use it.
What mount or mog are you unable to get that is going to make you quit the game?
It might not impact your enjoyment, but it impacts those who earned those items.
The entire point of limited-time stuff, is that those of us that earned them believe Blizzard will hold up their end of the bargain by keeping it limited.
It’s literally the M+ reward system right now, as well as PvP.
If they changed it, which would be going against their word in the past, basically, I would not be a fan.
The amount of unobtainable items isn’t a large list, it’s not as large as the items you can still obtain.
I think it’s just basic human psychology- people want what they can’t have.
That applies to the new items too, the ones you can still get, that’ll become unobtainable next season.
What did you do to earn Tyreal’s Charger?
Be in the right place at the right time, which can be said of quite a lot of the no longer obtainable items.
CM carries were 5k on my server, Garrosh mount was 3, Archimonde was 15, etc. God forbid someone didn’t play 10 years ago and pay the trivial amount of gold required to “earn” most of the items.
Not what I asked. Specifically, what did you do to earn Tyreal’s Charger.
I can only imagine by your non answer, you know exactly what my follow up question will be, and how it really diminishes your argument.
Dunno why you are lying to try to make your point, but nobody was doing 9/9 dungeons for 1k~ gold per person in MoP.