You’re the one crying. Quit getting it mixed up.
MMORPGs aren’t designed - well the successful ones like WOW & FFXIV - to only have a small window when you need to “get in or get left behind” ANYONE can join at ANYTIME and catch up.
It’s silliness to say marketing changes and business changes = personal attacks to ruin your gameplay.
Sorry to be sarcastic, but come on now. They don’t look at players like you (or anyone) and think “hmm, how can we best screw over these players”? bwahahaha
No youre litterly crying you dont have items. Instead of just leaving it be as it is lol. Crying you dont have what everyone else has. So yes it is you who is infact crying. If yiu cant understand this concept of youre whining cuz aomeone has somthing you dont lol.
There’s a lot of hot air in this topic that’s counterproductive to building a positive community.
Let everyone have a chance at unobtainables, by reintroducing them into the game with an a difficulty of acquisition that is greater than or equal to original. This is a video game. Let people have their fun and more goals to work towards.
Prove it.
Show me where I was whining ANYWHERE in this thread.
We’re done talking if you aren’t going to be honest.
Anytime you mention you want somthing in the game that u cant get anymore thats crying the entir idea of the forum is people whining so just go read everything u wrote its all crying about how unfair life is people where on when the items where in lol.
again: prove to me that I have said ANYTHING in regards to myself in this? Because I haven’t.
I just think you all are being stupid to be stupid.
I have been on these forums much longer than almost anyone in this conversation. Close to 19 years.
In that 19 years, I have never seen someone SERIOUSLY ask for Bliz to re-release this stuff. Frankly, I don’t see why they took some of the stuff away (outside of the Nax stuff- LK happened and the TCG stuff).
The TCG stuff is no longer available to buy without going to EBAY and paying ridiculous prices for a code. The ugly pony with wings, I haven’t even looked at in at least 5 years.
I can understand why Bliz would bring both of those back.
But, no, let’s throw a hissy fit about things you’ve probably haven’t thought about or looked at in a decade.
If something is a ‘feat of strength’ it is usually that expansion only except for the old rare mounts.
yes the title is from a ‘feat of strength’
not really…
the Insane
Bloodsail Admiral
(unless i’m misunderstanding what you’re saying… which i could be. i’m going back to bed for a couple of hours because i need more sleep)
Ok - how about this - if you don’t see the achievement in game - it isn’t available. Guess that doesn’t work either really but there must be a pattern of some sort.
feats don’t exist in the achievement panel until they’re obtained, so you’re not going to see them listed
Youre whining for the people who are whining youre anti productive for somthing not good for the game youre whining for people who want somthing they cant have get over it. Its that easy see how easy it is to not worry about othwr and focus on what u can get.
I’m not the one whining…
oh i’d say that entire thing was pretty dumb. They only thing remotely interesting was the creativity of the actual builds. Even if they were pretty generic overall theme-wise.
the “never share this with anyone” thing is stupid, the way they handled the “voting” was stupid. I’d even say the whole adding the “losing” mount in was stupid. Given how it effectively wrecks the “winning” side because no new horde players can get it yet anyone with 20 bucks can USD their way to the alliance bike. hardly seems like they “lost”, really.
But… no one won, the “voting” was open to anyone with a mouse and working hand. no account needed, no interest in wow needed. Just needed to send your friend a link and vote skewed. More friends, more skew. 4000 person eve online alliance, maximum skew.
It’s simple. If you’re still subbed and still paying for all these features, then whatever they’re doing is working.
There’s nothing wrong with having some aspects of the game that are, “You had to be there.” There are hundreds and hundreds of mounts, toys, pets, mogs, and titles. That there are a few dozen that may be restricted to either time-based, skill-based, or a combination of the two is not necessarily a negative.
I’ve never gotten Gladiator. Even on my first account, it just wasn’t something that I ever worked toward. I just never had the discipline to do it. I salute those that did.
Same with mythic raiding. I dabbled in it back in the day and realized I just didn’t want to dedicated my schedule to a game to the extent that WoW raiding at that level required.
And that’s okay! There was still plenty of satisfying content to do over the years. From things like getting all the rare Cataclysm hunter pets back in the day to winning the Fishing tournament. Doing content that you are willing to dedicate time to is good and reaping the rewards in both enjoyment and memories created is what it’s all about.
Getting upset about the things you weren’t able to achieve for a variety of reasons (not least of which is lack of discipline) is bound to cause nothing but frustration and isn’t a healthy thing to focus on. That’s going to be true in life as well.
All that to say, “Don’t sweat it.” You have a lot to be happy about. Focus on that.
I agree with this, but I also think there’s a fair distinction to be made between time limited rewards for content and “This place dropped XYZ thing but bliz removed it when they updated the zone” like ZG and Naxx 40 gear. It wasn’t a reward for defeating those places at a specific time, it was doable with zero challenge well after the content was current, it’s just not there any more.
I’m glad to see things like that come back because while it is “You had to be there” it’s not really tied to any specific event / experience / challenge.
Same with Speedy Racer Goggles, one of the few iconic quest reward models that was removed during cataclysm and never readded.
EDIT: Speedy Racer Goggles used to be even rarer than they are now, originally when transmog came out you could only use the models of items you had actually acquired, then in 7.1 they changed that to all quest reward items your character could have worn. Speedy Racer Goggles were the alternate choice next to the infamous carrot on a stick, many player’s first ever trinket and a useful item for increased mount speed that almost everyone took instead.
EDIT 2: Apparently while speedy racer goggles are gone bliz did add a cosmetic item that can be made by crafters, the pattern drops rarely from Gahz’rilla, the original target of the quest so it ties back well thematically and is accessible to everyone. Great!
They finally got around to adding a cosmetic replica version of these though:
Oh wow they are identical! And the pattern drops from Gahz’rilla, so it ties back thematically.
I guess I should amend my post, good job there bliz.
during dragonflight’s launch, i think they gave away 2 mounts and 1 pet on on twitch if you want X amount of hours and i missed those bec i only started playing WoW again in late march
So, what’s the difference between a reward you don’t have because you didn’t play at the time and it was removed, vs one that you’re simply not good enough to obtain?