Having "missed out" is ruining the game for me

I have no secrets: Twileki of Staghelm, this one that I started playing back in LK, my rogue was my vanilla character (how I ended up with the Scout title). My current main is Twibiju, but I post on Juju cause most of the old timers know Juju.

You can click on chicky here and it shows all the achievements I’ve gotten over the years.

Again, I have nothing to hide.

I’m not the one obsessed about the silly tiger. It’s the people angry that they can’t sell the tiger kitty for however much it currently costs on the AH that I’m talking about (there’s been a few threads on this subject) because Bliz is making it available to everyone that are obsessing about this.

Meh I don’t feel that way really, but like just handing stuff out for free via twitch and trading post annoys me. Earn the gold and buy it, having the stuff in bmah is whatever for TCG stuff. Just giving it away is obnoxious.

Most of this thread is people whining about FOMO but the reality is that it’s not really FOMO, so much as motivation. If you have unlimited time to do something, and the rewards have next to no value, how often do you think people will go out of their way to do it? They have unlimited time so they just procrastinate and say they will finish it later. Eventually. One day. Like how everybody wants to write a book, or make some music, or start a YouTube or whatever other cliche thing people constantly say they want to do.

There’s no finality to it, there’s no expiry, so they have forever to do it, and since they have forever they never bother starting.

Right now they are just bringing back anything that had any status that casuals could earn, like TCG items and whatnot. Trying to make the only prestige items the elite tier stuff, so that casuals are more likely to pay high amounts of gold for carries, and since they destroyed the easy gold making, they are banking on the idea that enough people will buy tokens to offset the amount of people who will just give up and quit.

via classic servers, or standalone xpacs, sure

then you can get your challenge mode xmog like 100% of those populations

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I won’t be playing this junk. Also, you can’t get cross game “challenge” rewards.

Ive found the game is alot better when you stop caring about the Fomo stuff. Ive already unsubbed because I’m not having fun. NO aotc this season and i think I’ve done 5 of the 8 lvl 20 keys, at the end of the day though who cares? this game is on a population decline and all these Fomo things are basically participation rewards you get for playing parts of the current patch that end up meaning nothing the next patch

I didn’t play for all of MoP…did I miss out on anything? I hardly go there anyway, maybe when I am bored.

If you think you missed out, you need to change your outlook on things. If your sadness comes from missing out on pixels then you are definitely not playing video games for their original intention. To have fun and be part of a community.

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it would be for players that want to “re-live quests” and such. similar to classic.

it would be the most fair way to re-introduce old “challenges” and rewards associated with them…

the flaw in an everyone gets everything system would be right in your face tbh :100:

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I have no problem with them doing this in retail. Like they did with the mage tower.

they never brought back mage tower rewards though…

those challenges cannot be replicated - won’t be the same. i guess just use the warlmart version from the class halls and call it a day :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I really don’t care having missed out on stuff.

Ay, good thing there’s always more limited time stuff you can get now that new players years from now will not. Then they can make threads like these.

True and they should have.

Yeah, but it really doesn’t matter that much if it is close enough.

Funny one!

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What value?

If it has no value then there is no need to bring it back, it can stay gone, since there’s no need for it.

No they should not.

They were meant as prestigious challenge rewards for Legion, end of story.

No different than mop and wod CMs

Maybe different colors like the bear form? Sure but not the OG


It is cool to disagree.

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Maybe they will add some things back to the game like the trading post is doing. Theres always D4 until you’re feeling wow again.

All the Male Human Paladins

I missed out within seeconds getting the war bear mount and the server reset never to be seen again.

Lol ive never seen a group cry babies want so much instead of just earning it i honestly hope they never make it to where u get anything just so your lives are in shambles since “pixel” seem to hurt you so much