I think this is something that people say all the time, but don’t realize what they’re also saying.
Yes, it was much easier to obtain items from Naxx 40 in, BC or even Wrath. That being said, it still took effort to put together a raid of like-minded individuals to go out and obtain those things. Many, many people “could” have gotten those items/achievements, but simply chose not to for lack of ambition. It was only after those things were removed that they seem to have mattered to those folks.
This is important to remember. There are many things in life that you “could” have if you REALLY wanted them. People say things like, “Oh, I’m too old now, or I missed the boat” are self-soothing. It’s a way of rationalizing lack of drive. There are still a lot of things you CAN have right now that you don’t get. Go get THOSE things. Stop focusing on the things you can’t have, and focus on the things you can.
I say all of this as someone wearing his ZG set bonus and a pile of now useless hakkari bijous. I genuinely do not care, bliz doesn’t take raid loot out of raids when they’re no longer current content.
That’s great. I see nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your time and effort. I just think it’s silly to pine for things that just aren’t available.
I just find it ironic that for many people the real reason they want something is because it was removed.
Valid, I just see there being a clear distinction in reasons why things are removed and think there’s legitimate reasons for bringing some things back. The stuff they’re doing with ZG and Naxx 40, as well as the speedy racer goggles model being on Gahz’rilla is awesome and it gives players reasons to engage with the old world in the same way those who happened to be around at the time were doing.
I could have went and played Classic Nax while it was current on the Classic Vanilla servers, however, even if I managed to get the appearance there: can’t share it between characters on retail.
Because those achievements are a joke to get now, they were to show you were ‘good enough’ to get them, now you can just faceroll over any of the older achievements since you’re over geared and overleveled.
Because you’re making these things a bigger deal out than they are. Imagine if I cried about all the WOTLK elite sets, the Undying, Hand of Adal, and everything exclusive from past expansions. You chose a poor example with Astral Walker, as there is actually exclusive stuff from BC and WOTLK as mentioned above.
It’s cool to have things that are symbols of individuals who were present at the time. That’s what makes some things cool. It doesn’t detract from the coolness of other things unless you let it. I don’t have every achievement, not “The Insane” but it’s still cool to me even if it’s available.
90% of stuff is still available. People just like to hyperfocus on the things they don’t have because they can’t cope with the idea of not having everything.