You expect them to re-release Nax, again?
percipitation is something else entirely.
Again: if you got it YEARS ago, congratulations. You got it first. It’s literally hurting no one when they re-release this stuff.
The original Nax doesn’t even exist anymore in retail.
There’s already precedent for Blizz making old content relevant again. Slap the sets in a Nax TW raid and go wild.
Going to have to stop you there. There are many OG Players like myself that have many removed items and have 0 problems with others getting access to things we have had, and probably haven’t used in Years.
Example; I have the Spirit of Competition. The first time I summoned it since I got it in 2008, was like 3 Days ago. Some other items I have and never use are; The Pandaria Phoenix Mounts; Tyreal’s Charger, Tabbard of the Argent Dawn, Baby Blizzard Bear, both Warlords Store Mounts that got removed (the Bug and Bat) the baby Vampire Bat from the ICC pre-event, and I’m sure many others I don’t even remember.
Exactly how would it affect me if everyone else suddenly had access to those items? It wouldn’t. The same way that me having those items like someone else does also, doesn’t affect them.
In short; you forgot the 3rd category of Player in this discussion; we have a ton of removed stuff, and have 0 problems with others who came to WoW after us or were on break at the time, getting them.
If I want to feel like a special snowflake, I still have the Achievements with the date I got them and can /flex if so inclined. Someone else having the things I have has 0 effect on my enjoyment of WoW, and I honestly do feel bad for those who are angry about it, because that means they probably have very little else in their lives that gives them validation.
Op,No,you just have to accept somethings wouldn’t come to you nor can you have them,it’s a fact of life.
Okay and next you want the scarb lord title as well with the mount right becuase u did that insane grind right or maybe you should have the original marshal titles huh like dude come on it does hurt the game alot because if they make the change means its worthless to grind for anything if i can just get it later for cheese dude come on if u didnt get it get over it you dont deserve it. So stop whining about not having it
I have a pvp title from Vanilla. It doesn’t affect my life whatsoever if someone gets it now.
I have a date on that FoS that proves i got it back 19 years ago.
This is seriously a YOU problem. Do you throw a fit when your neighbors get something you bought months ago?
Are you angry because people don’t have to pay for flying now like we did back during BC? No, because it has no effect over you and your alts get the same benefits.
That logic is still broken lmao its not the point if it effects u now or not LOL thats the problem the issue is because youbwant it you think you deserve it.
You’re the one implying that train of thought.
I fail to see the problem here.
Quit whining about pixels.
Youre right and the scc champions they should just give that title to everyone as well right because hey it doesnt effect you its just pixel its not peoples jobs are anything. This is exactly why games are going into microtrasaction nobody wants to work for anything and think they just deserve it
Ok, Karen.
Yes, you seriously sound like a Karen.
You are aware that people do old content to get things you acquired when it was current content, right? This is no different than that.
No i sound like a normal person lmao you sound like u have no arguments so youre going into karen cry baby mode lol If you didnt earn it get over it. End of story see easy right. But instead you want to be a KAREN because u dont get you cant get your way so u called the manager blizz to try to get your items u never earned so whos the karen lmao
I see nothing in your achievements that even prove you played the game PRIOR to when the achievement system came out. You don’t have the spectral tiger cub and I don’t see anything indicating that you even participated in anything before 2012.
This literally has no effect on you.
How about you focus on YOU and not what the neighbors have?
I can’t believe this thread is still going lol
if blizzard markets something to us as limited time (ie, seasonal award) it should remain gone.
I’m fine with blizzard never doing limited time rewards again and everything remaining in the game. but that’s not how they’ve done things in the past.
Yet again your argument is invalid and yeah this is my second account lol. Also why is that relivent to not being a idiot who understands basic logic yiu didnt earn it you dont deserve it. With your logic all the blizz com champions didnt earn anything and everyone should just be gladiator you have no valid argument or grounds.
Sure it is. Post on your main account if you want to be taken seriously.
My argument isn’t invalid at all. You just want to hold your breath and scream about nothing at the same time.
It’s me. What do you expect?
Lol u really are not bright you are basically arguing against your own argument. Exactly leave the neighbors stuff alone and worry about what you have stop worry about what other have. Also why would be posting on my main be relevant i know the difficutly of getting scarab lord i did wod time trials and i was there when it happend. So you can cry however you want you still dont deserve somthing u didnt earn
what do wod challenge modes have to do with scarab lord?
It’s not your property and not YOUR game. Stop worrying about other people getting things that you supposedly already have.
That’s the entire point.
If your neighbor goes out and buys the same brand of car you got: that has no effect on you.
When you prevent your neighbor from getting that car because YOU have that car: that makes you look and sound like a pretentious jerk.