You are the one that wants to be feel special from this item clearly, lol
I’m focusing on other toons, I barely ever play my evoker. I’m sticking up for every class that has to suffer through this after.
My prospective is that I got the sylvanas bow on try two … and then I never got the raszageth bow.
I’d have sacrificed my experience with the sylvanas bow to not have the experience with the raszageth bow. it’s just not fun
Moreso you trying to sqabble over who feels special in this game is silly. They are a bunch of pixels. None of us are special. We are all a bunch of adult children! If you want to feel special become an astronaut or something
This game would be more fun if it were about the journey and not the goal. Once you get to the goal, there’s not much left to do
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Thats an awesome idea, and about the only way to guarantee the EXACT correct balancing… however, i dont know that its possible for blizzard to just (mage tower as an example) thrust you a legion character with legion lvl 110 ilvl 900 (w/e it was balanced for) gear and the legion abilities and talents. Im not sure that they can just override the classes to a legacy form on a whim like that.
When classic came out they had to rebuild a large portion of the game with a reference client because a lot of that old data had been lost, its not like theyd kept every expansions info in a safe somewhere to pull out and use whenever. And that was for releasing it as a seperafe game entirely. I imagine it would be exponentially harder if even possible at all to just shove that data INTO dragonflight.
It’s less a technological hurdle more a design hurdle. You can map out the abilities to either exist or be replaced by something else entirely. They do this with the vehicle overlay.
When the character enters it’s just the legacy character overlay.
I want a brand new ‘69 mustang, Ford should make me one.
Oddly enough, there is an aftermarket company that is manufacturing brand-new “'69” mustangs.
Why? Because it makes good business sense!
I would definitely consider buying a car with a classic exterior, particularly if the interior had modern comforts. So what’s your point here?
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Math, how does it even work?
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The 2013 version of the Cadillac CTS coupe is another one of those. The batman car. It still goes for 20k used if in good shape.
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You make a good point, that ill base my evolving point off of.
Maybe if folks want old stuff they can’t currently achieve anymore they can go to an aftermarket company “private server” and get it there.
Same thing right?
Sure, if Blizzard wants to leave that profit on the table that is up to them.
Like, I feel ya’ buddy. I too am of the mind set that nothing should be removed from the game; even seasonal rewards imo. As long as the conent is monitored so that a challenge or accomplishment is present, i dont really see what all the butt hurt is about if they make stuff available. Ie. Past elite xmogs can be earned by any one who achieves similar rating. Past achievements are possible if they scale the difficulty - doesnt have ti be as hard as it was for me, as long as there is some work for the reward. It seems weird that some one shouldn’t get similar chances to earn things just because i started earlier or pkayed the game for longer. So far the only response I get is, “but i earned it when it was ACTUALLY hard and u cant have it cause new players arent built like me.”
Blizz has a WEALTH of conent that could be engaging and fun if they make it accessible even after its the new thing. But this is the world we live in. People like exclusivity. People like status, and we all like showing out in our desired forums. There’s also the reality, if everyone thinks they can earn it easier later, theres the chance fewer will engage now. Fomo is proven motivator as unfun as it can be.
All this rambling to say, i feel you friend, but it is what it is. Try not to let it get to you, and don’t play the game for what it could be. Play it for what it is. If thats not what you love, its ok to move on. <3
Replied before i read all the threads. I still like ur logic.
Haha -in case i need them later- this was/is me still.
Some pvp homies taught me; just start sending it. You’ll press it bad some times and people will call you bad. You’ll press it perfect other times. But you miss all the chances you never take. Continue to be groovy bebeh.
This tbh. I’d love to re progress through some legendary raids. What pisses me off is how the stat / level squish worked.
I’d love to perhaps turn off xp at 80 (old school 80) and re progress through ICC, or in MOP at current level with that expansions gear we could farm.
I know timewalking does this but the scaling is so terrible it’s insane.
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Just be patient. Old content is being recycled.
I see your point there but I’ve always seen it as a complete product and those are bonuses for being there.
If I may ask, what is the difference between “you had to preorder the game for this, if you did not then the content is no longer available” and “you had to do X thing in game, if you did not then the content is no longer available”? I do not mean this in a snotty “gotcha” way, but I am genuinely curious since I thought the issue of the thread was old things not being available at all, regardless of how they were originally available.
Those are the same issue, just a slightly different hook.
Both threatens you to partake in an activity related to the product or lose out permanently on easy to mass produce rewards.
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Looks like OP won, they announced people will be able to craft T3 soon.
Schrödingers cat, of course!
Perhaps you could add time-limited world completion achievements to the list (ex. Veilstrider and the like)
Yeah so ud rather take away peoples hard work for self gratitute for yourself lmao yeah thats not a good argument you wabt a percipitation trophie for not doing any of the hardwork its not anyones fault u started the game late or stopped playing but the ones who stuck it out to earn there titles and achivement yeah good luck dude sound like a begger.