So the people who earned the special item is the one that wants to feel special because they completed the content during the time frame when it was difficult. So now becuase its easy you think you deserve the same item with zero skill involved lmao. Whos the one that wants to feel special?
i like how your halo makes the avatar background pink and purple
Honestly the best way I’ve seen them handle FOMO is the Warlock green fire quest.
You only get “% of the Black Harvest” if you did it when it was difficult BUT the quest itself is still in the game and warlocks can still go on that quest in its entirety to make their fire green.
Removing entire quest chains and actual, playable content as they usually do is very strange.
I have things that have been removed and still think it’s a bad idea to remove stuff. Going back to old content and redoing it to get things is part of the appeal of a game like WoW
so people can complain about how the solo scenarios are too hard, and complain about how they shouldn’t be “forced” to do pvp?
nah… it’s in the past.
leave it there.
Where did i say that it would be trivial to get the tokens?
Instead of getting the reward when you complete m+/aotc/gladiator, you instead get a token related to that content that lets you select rewards related to it.
Exact same system like now only that the rewards aren’t lost to nothing when the season ends. You just gotta try again next season.
Trading post seems to be pouring on the FOMO. Having missed out is going to be increasing soon - just in case you wanted more of that feeling.
I’ve never really understood this mentality. I remember a lot of games used to have preorder bonuses and perks, frequently cosmetics, that were unattainable any other way. I would make the judgement call if they were worth the preorder or collectors edition and if they weren’t then I didn’t buy them and didn’t get them.
There are a lot of things in this game that I cannot get because I took a 7ish year break. I’m not taking it as a personal offence though nor does it mean I can’t enjoy the game. I kinda just shrug and keep going for what I can get that I like.
They probably going to be selling tendies in store sooner or later…
For sure those tendies are going to be selling soon. What’s an easier way to make another buck!? This is probably the easiest! Something yacht or three something something.
One way to look at it is that the companies are essentially threatening you to sell you an incomplete product you will never be allowed to complete if you don’t pay early.
If it’s just a “dlc given free in preorder” then I’m personally not going to complain.
And it will work.
Sub for the month all you who have some credits built up. Looks what’s in the store! Just 1 month gets it…you know you want to.
NGL…I am classic focused but this gets me on the retail MAU list if only to see the store once a month. If nothing there I still make out. I save those points for next month!
yeah it’s just a different mindset. you and i have no problem accepting that we won’t get everything we want. some people lose sleep over it. nobody’s wrong, it is just a different approach to life.
I must be wrongheaded, because it’s having the opposite effect on me. There are some choice mounts I have never been able to get, or are just unavailable. I’m afraid if i spend my coins on a mount I kinda like, I won’t have the coins next month, and they’ll roll out something outrageous that I always wanted, like the coloured AQ mounts, or a recolour of the PVP reward mounts, which look badass, but I suck at PVP. But to be fair, I’m just as bad with spells with long cool downs, I never use them '‘incase I need them a minute later’.
I mean… You could argue one is far less… useful, in day to day living
I mean… Where’s my riot over crystal pepsi?
don’t even get me started. and i want pepsi fire back while we’re at it!
No they don’t. It’s not a matter of “tech”. There’s not some magical algorithm or machine at Blizzard that they can flip on to scale things properly to their satisfaction. It has to be custom tuned by human beings. And every single major patch with any class or balance changes after it has to be re-visited or at least glanced at. Considering how many things they’re currently supporting, their imploding teams, people quitting and low morale plus overburdened workload for a game whose core engine and many of its features still are held together with tape and prayers which desperately needs more attention from too devs with too much on their plate. It isn’t simple.
Now, you can ask them to re-enable the stuff and consequences of people getting it more easily be darned but that’s something many at BlizzardHQ for seemingly random things (really) do not feel is right. It’s also something that upsets many of the elitists who have these things (strange you never see enduring threads month after month of pissed off raiders about things they /DO/ leave in for people to do trivially later, it’s only a small angry contingent who comes out to whine when they re-add them).
It’s about priorities ultimately and Blizzard has always engaged in FOMO with WoW, at least since the first few expansions. It’s part of their strategy for retaining subscriptions and activity in the game. Without it they fear larger drop-offs in revenue as people cycle in and out at larger numbers each content patch which has corporate breathing down their neck for why they aren’t doing more to keep numbers up when they’re already an underperforming division with cost to profit ratio well beneath COD and miles away from the ridiculous MTX earnings of the mobile division.
More than just corporate and practical considerations though. Blizzard team has an ego problem as well. They do dislike you if you weren’t there, if you weren’t paying, if you weren’t “git-gud” enough at the time to have done it and your punishment for not paying them, not spending enough time in their world as they demand you do is that you are denied access to these things.
Now don’t get me wrong. I do think people who are present in certain expacs and take the time to do certain things deserve to have something more than memories. To have something cool that shows off they were there and did it when it was current and hard or whatever. Achievements are part of that. I think item labeling or some sort of similar system that labels anyone who got it after meaningful period differently would be a good compromise here.
Just had the biggest reality check of my life
i disagree.
if people are losing sleep (either figuratively or literally) over pixels, it’s more than a “different approach to life”.
it’s a genuine cause for concern about their wellbeing.
I told them how to fix it. We’ll see if they do.
You need to preserve the original challenge so older players who got the legacy form of it don’t feel cheated. They’d be right in feeling cheated.
So this means a technological hurdle exists. Where you cannot guarantee the counter will ever be the same in a game that changes every quarter. Abilities come and go. Gear comes and goes. The entire spirit of a spec will be reborn sometimes.
So the way to approach this is to snapshot the character in the legacy form. With the correct gear for the encounter. This way when you queue up for the challenge you are put into instance with all the legacy abilities and gear and levels from the snapshot. It wouldn’t be your character but the one Blizzard requires for the snapshot of the challenge. It’ll still be a shaman. It just won’t be yours.
Now if they do that I don’t care if they bring original content back.