Having an issue where my Quests are not auto tracking

Hello to all my fellow WoW nerds! I was hoping to get a bit of advice/help on an issue I have been having with my account.
I don’t recall when the problem began but it has been a while now at least 3 months that when I am in Retail and I accept a Quest it will no longer auto track on my Objective bar. I have to go into my Quest Log and Shift click to get it to pop up. Well I got a new computer and I installed my WoW and updated all my settings and Addons and it is still happening on the new system. I thought maybe it might have been a computer issue, but it has transferred over, so I uninstalled the game and tried again and it still is not working. My mom has my old computer and her account is auto tracking Quests but she can’t see her Guild name or other players guild names.

I am hoping I am posting this in the right place and I hoping someone out there can help me try and fix these minor annoyances that my mom and I seem to be having. Thank you!!


I would recommend a UI reset, get back down to base game, then add back the addons one at a time. It may not be the addons, but even the base ui can encounter corruption.


Hello Kozzae, thank you for responding to my issue. I tried everything you suggested and used the link you sent as well and it still has not solved the issue. Just for educational purposes I went into the PTR to see if it was happening there as well and when I take a Quest it auto tracks there but not in Retail. So I then tried to look at the settings there to see if maybe I have something un-checked and I made sure in Retail to match my PTR settings. Still didn’t fix the issue. I then went to the Battlenet App screen and ran a Scan and Repair, again to no avail. It is super frustrating. Now WoW is not seeing my Add Ons at all.

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That’s because you reset your UI to default. If you kept backups of the Interface and WTF folders you can restore them. For the future, resetting your UI should be the last step you take even though Blizz is always quick to recommend it.

As for your issue, run these commands

/console autoQuestWatch 1
/console autoQuestProgress 1

If they followed the directions from the Support Article that Kozzae linked, then they already have the backups. That is because the Article says to rename (not delete) the original folders.

I do the full UI reset quite frequently when I want to test something in a default state. By renaming (versus deleting) the original folders, I am able to quickly restore all my addons and settings.


Thank you so much Elvenbane for the commands. They worked! I cannot thank you enough for the help, it was seriously driving me crazy.


I was having this same issue on one of my accounts (the other 4 were fine). Elvenbane’s commands fixed my issues as well, thanks!


I am having the same issue and I have done everything that was stated above and it is still not working I am not sure what I am doing wrong since it has worked for everyone else. I removed all addons/macros and reinstalled the game 4 time and I still can’t get the quest to automatically update. I changed the folders name and then used the commands giving above and still nothing. What am I missing?

Could try the setcvar version of the commands.

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("autoQuestWatch", 1) C_CVar.SetCVar("autoQuestProgress", 1) C_UI.Reload()

Where do I put the command in. Just type it into chat?

My problem is I have one char that doesn’t show quest at the flight master.

I see the quests tracking in the track bar, and when I hover over a mob. But I am not get the scrolling text, yellow font, in the center of the screen when i complete (ie 5/10 killed). Only happening on one alt. disabled all addons on both just to see, did not help. And ran both scripts above. Any ideas would be helpful

Install AdvancedInterfaceOptions go to the Floating Combat Text options and make your one toon’s setup like the others.

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Perfect, thank you, took a bit of time to find the setting that was turning it off, but thanks for the help.

ha, and a few hours later broke again, and setting still same, going to give up :slight_smile:

I tried everything else and I just couldn’t get it to work. This worked! Thank you so much. I was getting so frustrated. XD You are amaze sauce and I appreciate you!

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This command worked for me, whereas the other 2 console commands above did not.

This one worked for me when the other didn’t. I suspect it is because I never did a UI reload, whereas this script does the UI reload automatically. Either way, it worked. Thanks!


this did the trick! cheers!

Thank you so much for this solution, it helped me out greatly.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but when I try to run the commands it says it cannot find /console or the setcvar command. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong please? Thanks