Having a Legendary is bad for your class in modern wow

As a performance minded player, you should never want to have a legendary in the current state of the game.

Not only can you get screwed by rng and never get it, but you are purposefully tuned lower than other classes that don’t have a legendary to account for how “strong” the legendary is.

If the current mindset for making legendary weapons continues, I hope and pray my classes never get another.

Also, please just make these a trackable quest with drops like shadowmourne, not knowing how much the bad luck protection ACTUALLY does for you is AWFUL.

Edit: For acquisition I would much rather we collected a certain number of lesser embers and then greater embers were the equivalent of 5 lesser or some other arbitrary number. Something like shadowmourne where you can SEE your progress and not just be staring into the void of unknowing.


Scuttlebutt is that people are now rerolling away from whatever class/spec is given a Lego due to the current Lego design paradigm blizz is obsessed with.


If they want to tune around it fine, but as it stands so few even HAVE the axe and so all the specs that have it are just screwed unless you get insanely lucky.

i don’t mind too much that neither of my 2 characters i farm it on got it yet (3rd on the way once she hits 70 n gets the gear), but this part, the lack of transparency, is just bad bidness on Blizz’s end.

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It makes me want to play less and less not knowing how “close” I am, I don’t know why we can’t have a quest to just collect 20 lesser embers or whatever.


I do the same. Here is my record:

  • Warrior : 6 HC 4 NM 7LFR
  • DK : 4 HC 7 LFR
  • Paladin : 2 HC 5 LFR

I have seen it drop for 4 people so far. I am still waiting for mine to drop.

I have only seen 2 drop so far and the first was last week. Apparently a week or 2 ago only 3% of rets had the axe. Which is insanely low when they have tuned the specs around having the weapon.


Are the specs tuned around having the legendary or are they simply under tuned compared to the top specs?

There are several specs doing similar damage to 2h str specs which dont have a legendary to help them (for example, shadow and feral).

Its only been 9 weeks since the axe has been lootable, we are not even half way through the season yet.

What “legendary” are MM, affliction, ele, balance, and shadow “tuned around” again that is holding then back?

Can it also be like Shadowmourn where you have to be 1-2 of the people your guild GM deems worthy to have it and the rest of your raid gets told to get bent?

And it’s also virtually impossible to get from pugging?

I feel like a lot of people asking for Shadowmourne-style didn’t actually do it when it was current. It was way more expensive relative to that time that the current axe is, and took 3+ months if you weren’t in a guild that funneled you every shard.


Legiondaries post-vendor was the best way to do legendaries. If something is a big part of my character’s power I hope it’s easy to get.

Where did this narrative that specs are tuned around legendaries start? I just checked, and the data does not support such a conclusion. From another one of these posts (since we need a new post daily, clearly):

There are specs above and below the specs that can use the axe on the meters, and if the axe-wielding specs truly were tuned around having the legendary then shouldn’t the average performance across the entire player base put all those specs at the bottom? I mean across all mythic groups for the last day (to account for the buffs that went out this reset), both fury warrior and ret paladin are in the top 10, and unholy DK is in the top half as well; go to heroic to find ret paladin is top 3, and arms warrior joins fury and unholy DK in the top 10.

Modern WoW? More like the entire lifespan of WoW. I never had one, never desired one because I already know I wouldn’t be committed enough to get it. Farming gold in the open world hasn’t been fun since vanilla, pre phasing.

The last time I farmed for a crafted item for throughput purposes was literally Vanilla WoW so I could have all purples and get into BWL easier.

There’s no purpose to obtain the legendaries anymore, the content is balanced around them, the fun is sucked completely out.

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When legendaries are released for a single subset of WoW players only for a season, its horrible. IMHO.

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It is more so in that it is a questline with progress you track (shadowfrost shards).

Saying that I want it to be exactly like old shadowmourne when I specifically said I would like to see a quest where you see progress and not mentioning at all what you said doesn’t really help the point.

I give me a reason to want to revive playing my DK so it’s given me a second wind for wanting to play the game.

Otherwise I would have stuck to my monk, messed around with a few new characters and/or quit till next season.

The narrative came from the fact that before THIS week where those specs were specifically buffed (because they were underperforming in raid), all the 2 hand specs except for fury were in the bottom quarter for performance in a patch where they have a legendary weapon.

The data is on warcraft logs, simply sort by 10.2 instead of 10.2.5.

This looks to most players, that blizzard initially tuned these specs lower “because they would have a legendary” that would bring them back up so that they were not incredibly overbearing.

Personally I’m ok with legendary wea[pms being strong, I wish the evoker one was better as well and that more people got to play with it too.

The old trope of “not everyone should have a legendary” is silly to me now a days because of how the game is played. For performance minded people it isn’t exciting to get it, only relief. And I don’t care if LFR players have good things, it doesn’t really affect me.

I’d rather a legendary mean that the class that gets it, has a cool legendary questline that almost all of the class can experience than just gatekeep people from it. Why even put it in the game if no one gets it.

M+ 25 and up should have a chance to drop a lesser ember, it’s ridiculous to me that multiple high end m+ players still haven’t gotten the legendary yet.

Take bizentein for example, he’s been clearing heroic fyrakk since week 1, is pugging the highest keys out there on his warrior, yet is arbitrarily put behind because of this carrot on a stick Blizzard wants us to chase.

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While not as cumbersome to get as Fyr’alath or Nasz’uro, trying to get Neltharax was also a chore for many hunters. I understand the feeling of being left behind because of a weapon. Hunters were 100% tuned around having Neltharax (even the lowest ilvl LFR bow had better DPS then the next best highest ilvl weapon), and eventually Blizz nerfed it and gave all hunters a buff.

Of course I get a 418 Neltharax post nerf and with 2 weeks left of 10.0.5, gave everyone a good laugh when I finally got it. I hope everyone who is desperately farming the axe finally sees it drop :heart: .