Hello! I’ve been playing more on WRA again and I was hoping to find some Forsaken RP to dive into but I’ve been coming up empty. I’ve seen literally one other Forsaken in Org, and I’ve never come across any Forsaken elsewhere. Admittedly I don’t know where anyone else hangs out on WRA, but if anyone has any tips, advice, locations, guilds, etc. that might be fun for me to connect with I’d love to hear it. Thank you!
Hi Coralotte!
Always good to see more Forsaken returning to WRA for RP. I will say that if you’re just looking for open world walk-up RP, I’m not quite sure where to point you (at least Horde side) other than the Valley of Honor—which I realize can yield mixed results, especially if you’re looking for other Forsaken. Despite being a longtime member of the WRA Forsaken community, I’ve always stuck mostly to guild RP. I don’t know if we Forsaken have ever had a default “walk-up RP locale” outside of the VoH which tends to act as a catch-all for most Horde characters.
If you’re interested in finding a guild or community however, there’s several out there that I believe are currently active:
- The Desolate Watch are a Forsaken guild based out of Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. I don’t know too much about their RP and I can’t find a forum post for them, but they do have a website over at
! From what I’ve seen, they tend to run on the medium/large-ish side and I believe have a bit of an RP-PvP angle. - Convocation of Darkness, my own guild, is based out of Tirisfal Glades (we use both Brill and Deathknell regularly). Our focus is more on the heavy RP side of things, and while we do the occasional dungeon day or transmog run together, our main focus is on RP with a mix of D20-style story events and socials. You can read more about our guild on our forum post: [H-RP Cross-Realm] <Convocation of Darkness> Forsaken & Undead RP (recruiting for The War Within!)
Feel free to drop me a line in-game or reach out on Discord (my username is soulcatcher) if you’re interested in chatting more! And welcome back to WRA!
You also might like the upcoming Macabre Market for building connections!
• https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/macabre-market/2026812
There are a handful of Forsaken/undead groups and characters over in the WCP if you’d like to check them out, too.
• https://discord.gg/wrawcp