Having 10+ layers per server is absolutely game breaking and undermines the entire purpose of this project

I am confused. Wouldn’t all the AH’s be on their own layer(10 layers = 10 AH)? How can there be only 1 AH with layering? It could only happen if the area the AH is located in not layered (Sharded)? Correct? The answer to that question will answer a lot for me about layering.

so much this

Blizz please listen to your playerbase.

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Are we still crying abuot this? We want no changes 50 sever only 2500 MAX waa waaa waaa

Layering is necessary. You can’t have 500+ people crammed into a small area like Tirisfal Glades.

itll be alright, like people are really taking the whole layering and sharding thing over the top

FYI: Layers are realm-wide rather than continent wide. Even if you take the zepp back and forth between Org and UC, you’ll remain on the same layer with the same people.

Basically, you’ll only switch when you join a group, or the number of layers is changed. There were still a few glitches during the stress test (no NPCs in one copy of UC, and I think some remnants of sharding remain), but overall it was pretty solid.

I will take layering any day over not being able to find any mobs to kill. If you want to throw in retail mob tagging rules I would be open to discussing removal of layering but as long as we have original mob tag rules I think layering will be important

Link where 10+ layers was ever stated.

Why would you join a group if you are just sitting in town making headbands?

Yes we are going to see the occasional person phase to our layer… and occasionally we will phase out to another layer.

But based on the comments that there will be substantial queues for high pop servers… I don;t think we are looking at anywhere near 10+ layers… but maybe 3 or so.

Anything beyond that would be substantially damaging to a server growth via unnaturally progressing servers due to much greater “manhours” being invested.

If 9,000 people are on a server at once… 9,000 manhours are being produced… if 50,000? Well you get the picture… then when pop stabilizes you have that problem compounded by all the materials/gold in the economy/guilds… now used by maybe half the population.

My understanding is that EK and Kalimdor have always been separate instances, so I am allowing the possibility that traveling between them could trigger a re-balancing layer switch. I am not sure that it would trigger the switch, but I can’t say for sure that it won’t either.

It might be able to shift you between layers… but in my testing, that never happened.

“I’ve never been mugged before, so mugging doesn’t exist in society.”


GREAT IDEA!!! lets release 200 servers so there are no layers!!!

then we can have 200 dead servers in 2 months!!

super awesome idea you super genius man you!!!

Whats the difference between someone on other layer and someone who is always one zone behind you? Besides that you might see the layered char sometimes, as far as you know, neither of those exist

There is only 1 AH per server.

False choice. It’s disingenuous to act as if there is either only Vanilla launch technology or layering.


its moronic to pretend blizzard will invent new tech 7 days before the release of a multi-million user platform and actually use it

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What are the other options then? There’s only so many ways to set up servers. Layering/Sharding is the current choice for most modern MMO’s.

you seem to fundamentally misunderstand layering, it is not sharding. you should see the same people as you play throughout any of your play sessions.

While im not a fan of layering, It is basically required for launch.

2 weeks… :rofl::rofl: phase 1 :rofl::rofl: oh this is gonna be fun and depressing at the same time. “It’s just beta xd” .

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Blizzard has assured is that everybody is going to quit really soon so there is no PROBLEMA.