Having 10+ layers per server is absolutely game breaking and undermines the entire purpose of this project

“It’s not like these layers are solid, static things that never cross. It’s not like you’re assigned to a layer at your first login and that’s where you stay forever.”

I think that’s what people don’t like mate. The players you see leveling with you at the starter zone are probably gone to another layer by the next zone. Then you yourself another layer the zone after that. Hell you could switch multiple layers in one zone because of elite group quests (you could be switching as early as hogger).
Not to mention constantly having to invite a player that you are selling items to in stormwind, so you can’t be in a group looking for dungeon. They want that the player you see passing by you in the road will ALWAYS be seen. It sucks but i understand why blizz did layering. It’s the least crappy option.

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Maybe. But as the layers collapse, the world that you already knew gets closer. Rather than suddenly having 4000 formerly non-existent people suddenly appearing.

I do agree it’s unfortunate, but no matter how rose colored our glasses may be, I strongly believe the player population will drop drastically in the first few weeks. And layering will show its value at that point.

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I played classic from launch day. (Really launch day + 1 since I wasn’t one of the chosen people who could get into the game, despite a 16 hour marathon of trying).

I disagree with you. I won’t bother listing all my reasons. I will just say I fully, absolutely and unequivocally support layering.

at this point the best plan is to just abuse the layering system until it goes away. dont like layering? you will when you can snipe nodes and rares.

That requires the help of other people to accomplish. It’s not like the old realm hopping days when you could get an addon to jump from one server to the next whenever you so chose. Yes they broke the ability to do that somewhere between WoD and Legion but I digress. Layering although similar to CRZ is a different beast altogether. You would have to have lots of people who existed on different layers to group up with to achieve this. How do you intend to group up with them or even message them for an invite if you can’t even see them??? The /Who list will only show so many people, and picking one out from among that list that MIGHT be on a different layer is like looking for a needle in a haystack


It was a great idea, but blizz is doing their best to muck this up.

I’ll give it a shot, but I’ll head to private if its a farce.


I’m loving your posts.

Its amazing that after 15 years, people still give blizz the benefit of the doubt.

My favorite is ‘we’re still in beta!’

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I don’t think 99% of people even complaining about layers even understand how layering works.

There isn’t going to be a set amount of layers and the population is evenly distributed among those layers. Once a “layer” reaches a certain amount of players a new one will be created so too many people don’t end up in the same area. While I was leveling on the weekend, there was not a single moment where the world felt empty. I was constantly fighting for mob tags with other players, and saw tons of people running around. Hell, when I went over to the Hogger area there were at least 30+ people there fighting for mob tags. Also, layering does not constantly shuffle you around. Once you are in that layer, you are stuck there until you switch zones or join a group with someone in a different layer. There will be no instances of running around only to watch players/mobs around you to phase out and phase back in.

I want everyone who is against layering to actually think about this for a second. Lets assume on Monday that 20k people try to log in to each server. (This is a safe estimate, it assumes around 200k overall logins between all US servers). Let’s also assume an even split of 5k Humans/Dwarves/Gnomes/Night Elves. First of all, the server would crash. It would literally be unplayable, 5000 people trying to login to one area and perform actions would be too much load for a single server and it would freeze up and crash. Second, even if the server could handle the load, there would be so many people all trying to fight for mobs to get their quests done it would take forever to do anything. Can you imagine how long it would take 5000 people to finish a single quest? Actually, we don’t have to imagine, lets do the math.

Lets be generous and assume everyone is grouped up as 5, so 1000 “total people”. We need to kill 10 mobs amounting to 10k mobs total for everyone to get their quest done. Lets assume 20 spawn locations, with a 30s respawn timer (again, generous). This means it would take 15000 seconds or 250minutes, or 4 hours and 10 minutes of the mobs respawning and dying instantly (which they would) for everyone to finish a single quest. In fact, there would be so many people standing around you wouldn’t even be able to see the mobs spawn. There would just be an ocean of players and you’d have to attempt to tab and tag the mob first. But this is the “true classic experience” you want, right?

What a joke. Boy am I happy none of you have jobs at Blizzard.

Did you work on wallstreet around 2006-2007?

If you asked me if I worked for an American Bank around 2006-2007 your attempted joke would have at least made sense.

It’s funny now that you have nothing to say because you realize how wrong you are.

Actually switching zones won’t even send you to a different layer. The layers are continent sized, not zone sized. So a person will layer hop even less than your post would allow. You’d have to either group with someone on a different layer or log out and then back in in hopes of being put in another layer.

Edit: Or possibly switch continents might do it as well.

Thank you Blizzard for layering. I don’t want to spend 2 hours on the first quest.


I R hAte LAyUriNG. Game broken on delivery.

Oops, I misread.

please blizzard listen to us delete layering add realms

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sorry man but its to late to change this. the layering really wont be that terrible past maybe red ridge for alliance and ashenvale/stone talon for horde. just accept it.

It’s actually a lot more complicated than that lol. It’s more obvious you’re just upset, and that’s ok. I hope the game changes your mind.

So, because you didn’t experience these known issues, they didn’t/won’t happen?

I guess those of us who had such experiences were just imagining them and then just stupidly thought they would continue at launch. Thanks for clearing it up for us!

Okay, I’m not really sure you understand the issues layering is trying to solve. Layering, absolutely 100%, is NOT there to solve congestion issues with launch. As far as I am aware, they are not actually changing anything to help this. Sure, layering has the capacity to relieve some of the pressure on the server (and that could actually be part of the plan), but it’s primary function is NOT to create a more pleasant starting zone experience. If they wanted everyone to be able to complete quests in a timely fashion and not fight constantly with Bob, Barry, Barry’s Mom, and the rest of the neighborhood for resources, we would have gotten sharding.

Layering exists to protect realms from the MASSIVE anticipated drop off of tourists, which would result in several dead or dying realms if a significant portion of the population jumped ship. With layering, a realm can simulate the max sustainable population, per layer, for however many layers Blizzard wants. If Blizzard allows upwards of 10 layers per server, a staggering percentage of the population would have to bail out for layering to be turned off without effectively murdering the server.

Ultimately, no one has any clue how many people are going to decide Classic just isn’t for them. Blizzard might have an idea, from previous game/expansion launch metrics, but if they guess INCORRECTLY in the direction OP suggests, they’re going to run into some pretty serious issues, hence the fear in posts such as these.

I’m ecstatic they did not employ you, because if they did, we’d have sharding. I’m of the opinion that sharding is evil.

No one in their right mind is delusional enough to think it possible to recreate everything about vanilla for a ‘true’ authentic experience. Having said that, layering AND sharding hurt the community aspect of the game, which a lot of people are coming back for, and I imagine is why so many really, really dislike them.


Shards dont matter if currently in retail we cant have a decent large scale wpvp battle without lag to come along with it.

Hell, we cant even have a decent battle without lag in a zone DESIGNED FOR IT…looking at you IoC.

I cant even loot corpse easily in Naja while a wpvp fight is happening on the other side of the zone.