Okay, I’m not really sure you understand the issues layering is trying to solve. Layering, absolutely 100%, is NOT there to solve congestion issues with launch. As far as I am aware, they are not actually changing anything to help this. Sure, layering has the capacity to relieve some of the pressure on the server (and that could actually be part of the plan), but it’s primary function is NOT to create a more pleasant starting zone experience. If they wanted everyone to be able to complete quests in a timely fashion and not fight constantly with Bob, Barry, Barry’s Mom, and the rest of the neighborhood for resources, we would have gotten sharding.
Layering exists to protect realms from the MASSIVE anticipated drop off of tourists, which would result in several dead or dying realms if a significant portion of the population jumped ship. With layering, a realm can simulate the max sustainable population, per layer, for however many layers Blizzard wants. If Blizzard allows upwards of 10 layers per server, a staggering percentage of the population would have to bail out for layering to be turned off without effectively murdering the server.
Ultimately, no one has any clue how many people are going to decide Classic just isn’t for them. Blizzard might have an idea, from previous game/expansion launch metrics, but if they guess INCORRECTLY in the direction OP suggests, they’re going to run into some pretty serious issues, hence the fear in posts such as these.
I’m ecstatic they did not employ you, because if they did, we’d have sharding. I’m of the opinion that sharding is evil.
No one in their right mind is delusional enough to think it possible to recreate everything about vanilla for a ‘true’ authentic experience. Having said that, layering AND sharding hurt the community aspect of the game, which a lot of people are coming back for, and I imagine is why so many really, really dislike them.