Havent seen this on the forums yet

I mean for all honesty I just don’t care about the game enough to watch someone else play it currently. Given I have seen heroic personally numerous times now and do 20 keys pretty much every week. The only thing I watch is the AWC given that’s somewhat entertaining to me due to how PvP currently works.

As for boosting or PvE in general it’s just boring things to where it’s all just mirror runs, and you can quickly see whether their going to time or not, based on what goes right and wrong per run.

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Then what is the point of this post? You posted someones tweet and just repeated what they tweeted…

It is good that he seems to actively play.

I don’t see anything wrong with selling carry runs. In my more moderate-core raiding days, when I was in various Raiding guilds doing Mythic, we would organize and sell Heroic runs on off nights to pad the guild bank.

if that’s true, he’s once again proving he’s an active player that knows what they’re doing. I’m sure he’s in the top level of wow players in term of skills - he did really well in mythic+ too.

boosting is one of the best ways to make gold in this game lol, it’s not doing callings or whatever it is many of the forum people believe

maybe this will inspire the rest of the dev team to start actively playing lol :slight_smile:


Then your game isn’t designed properly.

Hence why WOW has the rep it does. This idiot should be working to fix the game so gold is more efficiently earned through the in-game systems like professions, gathering, etc.


i couldn’t agree with you more

it is nice to see the president having in-game knowledge of what’s going on and how people are are playing the game though. even he knows professions are a waste of time lol

i’m pretty sure many of the devs don’t

Well lets look on the bright side of this.

We now know what to expect in the future in regards to any and all pve/pvp content.

It is now oficially p2w and it wont change for the better…next…


They ain’t even rowing, they’ve slapped a couple of twin jumbo jet engines on that John Boat…

It’s full speed ahead.

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You can’t buy runs for money! That’s controversial. But you can buy gold for money, and use that gold to buy runs, which is fine.

It’s only a problem if anyone other than Blizzard gets money. *licks a boot*

The flaw in your analogy is that you’re probably assuming Blizzards solution would be something other than giving players a baked in chat filter (which I often suggest), since they’ve already given the community the tools to make the very thing they’d make the bandaid is the cure.

This part of your analogy sounds like it is asserting that trade chat spam will slowly kill the game, that accurate? If so then we disagree :slight_smile:

I get that boosting is the main way people make gold now but I had always felt that at least it was something blizz turned a blind eye to despite not really wanting it in the game. Especially since boosting seems to be way more prevalent now that it was in the past. But then…this??? IDK. Feels…kinda off to me. But I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised given the state of the game now. :expressionless:

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You clearly lack critical thinking skills.

Is not the spam that’s the cancer killing WOW, its the endless boosts to achieve virtually ANYTHING that kill WOW.

Level boosting
Raiding boosts
PVP boosts
Torghast boosts
M+ boosts

Need gold to buy the boosts? Ohhhh look, the WOW token lets you use REAL MONEY for it!

aka, cancer.

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Or I could just disagree :open_mouth:

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I mean, I know folks wanna be mad about stuff, but dude sellin’ runs just ain’t it.


If people didn’t buy runs then they wouldn’t get sold. Hard truth.

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Aha so then you agree they get 16 hours break and they get paid as well making your original statements


Some people are very against boosting of any sort, the president of wow selling runs is going to attract a predictable amount of salt, I’d just ignore it :laughing:

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I’m against boosting, but I understand it’s part of the game. Not going to bite folks heads off though, I’m just not going to purchase a boost.

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Oh simple

Work all day no free time for you - sneaky and sneezy and you are exact same scumbag like him

Yeah, because the WOW token makes it PAY TO WIN

This isn’t rocket science.

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