Havent seen this on the forums yet

talked to him a bit in his discord, he seems cool

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and let’s not forget about the aotc factory that was friendship birb.

but that’s different, right? right??


people don’t work 24/7 you know. many blizzard employees stream on their FREE TIME.

I’m unsure what happened with them. They still do free giveaways right? That’s cool too, but you can’t expect people to always want to giveaway stuff for free sadly.

see, that’s where your opinion becomes skewed morally for the game. yes, technically it isn’t illegal. does it mean 3/4 of the population should buy into it? no. it makes for lazy and less skilled players, not to mention opens up the window for actually spending real money to buy tokens to buy “gold only” carries. it’s a loophole being used to get around the legality of it all.

there’s a big difference in this- the named actions are actual professions and skills used that doesn’t alter gameplay for the good or bad… next thing you know, one can say selling herbs and ore should be banned as well.

Developers selling runs for gold is dumb.

But it isn’t technically a massive issue unless they’re actually asking for real money and just saying that it’s gold only, just like many other boosters. We won’t be able to learn the truth though.

From what I’ve seen, most of the time, the gold ad isn’t a lie. But I don’t play on “megaservers” so maybe they have more crappy chinese bots baiting people into whispering them.

Now, whether or not the leadership of whatever group is doing the gold carries is selling the gold they earn out the back end for cash is another question.

Because, I mean, what ELSE is a group spanning the entire game selling 200k to 1.5mil carries every 30 minutes perpetually going to do with the sheer amount of gold? Surely just having that gold loses meaning at some point, and that’s where it gets questionable when they keep going.

they don’t need to ask for real money- if someone doesn’t have the gold, they just buy a token and exchange for gold…

see the rabbithole?

Nothing wrong with guilds doing carries for gold, that has been acceptable for years.

That depends on where that token money actually goes, it could just be going to another executive bonus and they don’t get a dime. If they ask for money directly they get the profit themselves rather than Activision blizzard.

if you mean Qwik, he’s not a developer

You realize he’s not a developer, right?


it’s the same moral reason companies that offers prizes for drawings and such make it void if won by someone that works for the company or is a family member of one.

I know. Still seemed like it’d be funny.

You’re right, Mike doesn’t actually do any work on the game himself he just sort of…presides over the ones who do.

Man needs gold :man_shrugging:

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Now we know why they couldn’t care less about our trade chat being spammed with boosting ads, as well as the LFG listings.

This game is a joke because its run by people who are a joke.


I mean, they’ve also given the community the tools to remove the ads from their chat :]

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for all we know, the bots may have “Property of Blizzard” on them…

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Interesting. I never knew putting on a band-aid would get rid of the cancer inside my body which slowly kills me


Gold selling is a bigger than people realize I think. Some boosters in retail/classic live in third world countries and farm gold or sell carries all day because American currency is worth substantially more than their native currency. In some cases it’s organized as they work together to maximize effectiveness.