But does anyone have anything against modernizing animations and models in the case that we ever do get a classic+?
I know it doesn’t make or break the game, but the one thing I can’t deny is that gameplay feels better on retail despite nearly every other aspect being worse from an rpg standpoint.
If they did a classic+ I wouldn’t mind new animation as long as its a (Optional) switch on and off thing.
Same for actual classic it wouldn’t affect me in any shape or form even if I prefer older graphic and older animation for some reason, I also prefer the old sound effects too, so I would probably just not use them and keep the old stuff.
If Blizzard actually tried to put some actual real legit effort in their games, they would give us an options to toggle off and on any new or old animations for all skills, running animations and so on.
Like that we could do a mix of old and new animations, example for my Paladin I prefer the old animation for Crusader strike, but like the modern animation for Judgment.
I actually don’t like how Retail looks.
Increased textures are nice but I don’t like the actual models and animations of retail.
This would be great. Halo MCC did this the best I’ve ever seen. Real time swapping between new and old graphics. Assuming it’d just be a client side thing I think it should be able to work in WoW. But like you said, requires effort.
I and the community as a whole fought for updated graphics/animations early on, ideally with the ability to toggle like remasters do. These are client side only so whichever you have wouldn’t affect anyone else what so ever. But Blizzard ignored everyone and wouldn’t do it, their way of handling most topics. This is probably one of the biggest things that could have helped their sub count too.
This topic comes up a lot in the other WoW Classic forum where Classic + gets discussed often.
Honestly, the idea generally gets shut down there, and I’ve seen the people who suggest it get really mad that it’s not being better received.
I think the people in this forum are probably more receptive to it.
Personally do not like the new character models. If it were brought in I would be much happier if there was a toggle.
However, this to me is a super low priority for what makes the game better. If there were a list of 100 things that I think would improve the quality of the game and make people enjoy it more this has to be like #98.
Most spell animations are trash in retail.
Like frostbolt or most warlock spells.
I would leave cata-wod spell animations.
Some races graphics are great in retail like Dwarves, Draeneis or trolls. But other races are reaaaally bad like Nelves, Belves, Undeads
Some people got very nerd angry about Orcs being able to stand up straight, and I’m pretty sure a large percentage of that group is vocal about Classic.
This guy I’m quoting looks pretty angry to me when his thoughts about wanting graphics updates were shot down… but hey it’s just "some Classic players that get “nerd angry” and not just “Some players” (as any normal person would say). Right. Ok.
WoW has been defined by it’s exaggerated and cartoonish aesthetic since day one. Retail’s art style is nothing more than that same aesthetic writ modern. The only dissonant parts of the game are the leftovers from the alpha when it was much more “realistic”. The devs even explicitly acknowledged the cartoonish aesthetic using that very word in the original collector’s edition DVD.
I really dislike the updated models/graphics. I don’t even like the new UI.
My biggest problem with the new Models in retail is literally every race/class that runs looks way too bouncy.
Casting animations also seem like they do way too much. Old school male undead cast animations compared to the retail one is way better. Literally the #1 reason why I don’t play undead anymore. Was Undead from TBC all the way up to Legion when we had the option to enable the older models and then it was taken away in Legion.
I think the only races I genuinly enjoyed the updated models from were Belfs/Nelfs (except male nelfs idk wtf is going on there, arms way too long and male casting animations are probably the most god ugly thing in existence), and Fem Draenei. Every other race/gender combo was absolutely horrible in the update.
The update also ruined a ton of spells imo. Incinerate from Warlocks. Literally wtf happened. It was so beautiful WOTLK>MoP. When it’s model was changed in wod it literally looks like a lighters fire moving across the ground.
Enhancement Shamans when they popped Ascendance would shoot out a ton of beams of lighting with their Stormstrike and looked super scary and you knew you’d have to use a CD on it. Now they shoot out 2 frisbees of wind lmao.
I do think the option to use the new updated models and animations should be an option for those that enjoy them but if they were ever forced onto classic+ or even implemented into WOTLK/Cata classic with no way of getting old models/animations that would be reason enough for me to quit.