Haven't seen many posts about this

Championed this back when Classic launched.

I specifically said “we’ll all end up looking alike” with regards to implementing Transmog. – Guess what. All the mages post-40 wore Whitemane’s hat.

I see no issue with Transmog or visual updates to both models and spells/animations. Provided there is an option to revert them for your client.

Personally, I had hoped that with Classic they’d go back and ‘remaster’ all the old items so they didn’t look like something out of 2000. Some really nice Transmogs on Retail get ruined because they mix ‘present day’ graphical fidelity with 2004’s fidelity. And then, with that remaster, port it to Retail.

And…before anyone even begins replying. What does your game’s water look like? What does the ground look like? …If you haven’t changed your graphics settings. You are not playing with the OG visuals.

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Nah. I like things just the way they are. If i want to see different animations, I’ll play retail.

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I understand your pov, but retail feels incredibly soulless at times with its treadmill content, and I would love to have some extra combat animations on wrath classic as well. Even small ones like the various specials just to differentiate an oblit to a frost strike, for example.

No thank you. I don’t like the way retail looks. I know we don’t have exactly “classic” anymore, but some things need to stay the same, and for me, that includes character models.


That’s completely fair. New animations, probably WoD style, would make me happy though.

I don’t super remember what changes WoD brought, was kinda trying to forget that expansion lol.
All I remember was weekly Kaz runs.
MoP was by far my favorite expansion, if they do cata, I really hope for MoP, too.
My husband didn’t ever get to play MoP, and it would be fun too see him grind out his cloak lol.

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Yeah i hope they never change to the new races. They completely ruined Nightelves and most of the races bounce so much it will almost makes you sick.


I wholeheartedly agree. I was devastated when they presented the remodeled Night Elf male. I don’t know why they decided to make them appear as if they are always sticking their neck out as if they have a perma-hunch and become super bouncy.

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Look these are interesting ideas but WoW could use a lot more “fun” and a lot less “pretty”

Fix crappy drop tables, change ToC to 2 times a week lock out, make badges account wide, add joyous journies, give people bonuses on making new characters for each max level character they have, etc

I mean blizzard is incredibly “anti fun” and they have a little army of anti-social gate keepers who attribute WoW loot to real life success.

Wrath is peak fun imo; just needs some tlc on the visual department. Models are fine, but new animations would really help smooth out the gameplay for me.

I don’t like retail animations and graphics at all.

we should totally have a option to see the updated graphics, character models and animations. if it was an toggleable option then it hurts no one because if they didn’t want to see it then they leave it off, and those of us who want it can turn it on

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Best solution by far

Absolutely agree. I think it’s great that people do like retail’s updated visuals, but I don’t and would want an option to keep it the way it currently is.

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There is a reason why this won’t happen… they don’t have new animations for all the old spells and the classic team is small.

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