Haven’t received the starter quest for War Within


So I don’t know if anyone else is having this problem but I still have not received the war within starting quest and I did the harbinger quest line and am on a level 70 character but still have not received the scroll to port to silithus or anything. What should I do? And yes I did buy the epic edition.

Have u tried going to silithus manualy and checking ur adventurer guide theres a few topics here with suggestions.


i was stuck on this too until i realized i hadn’t bought the epic edition so i didnt have early access in order to unlock the content.

happened to me too…
went to silithus manually…
nothing there for me

i’m responding in 2025 regarding a character that i left unplayed at
level 70 after the pre tww invasions in the badlands.
i did purchase the epic edition, though that wouldn’t matter now.

Did u go the vault under dalaran in the broken shore and turn in low lvl tracking to see if there was any quests.

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It would probably help to know what character you are referring to, Baelstar. You have a few WoW licenses on this Battle.net with active characters.

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I just returned to wow, maybe 6 days ago. I’m also in my mid-60s so have old brain here and there. I couldn’t get the quest and it didn’t dawn on me until this morning that it’s because I didn’t buy the expansion. smh and lol.