Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

Yep has happened to me. Walk up to a rare to engage and they immediately despawn along with the other players that gathered around for the rare

They need to fix this, it’s actually a problem. It’s super lame and honestly ruins the gameplay experience.


Happens all the time and I’m sick of it. It loves to do it in Fyrakk assaults, especially when the bar is full or nearly full and suddenly I’m on another shard with zero progress.

I was solo’ing one of the DF world bosses for S&Gs the other day on my DK and 16 minutes into the fight and the boss low on HP I’m suddenly punted to a different shard, DBM registers a wipe, and I’m staring at a different copy of the world boss, at full health.


What I love about sharding is you go from a dead shard to a dead shard WHY . It is getting so bad I am thinking hard on unsubbing and never coming back to this game . I hate when something wastes my time and right now this game is Fyrakk assaults 48% to 0% that is not moving .

And not one BLUE post here or in BUG REPORT . I am starting to think no one works for blizz any longer .

This is getting out of control over 5 hours to do like 1 world quest because of sharding !!! Make that 6 hours now


I was in a group today that was in the middle of fighting the world boss and we all got sharded to a shard with no world boss (it was a different shard…could tell by the dream seed next to him which randomly disappeared too).

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Just happened to me now, version 11:40am server time: Zul-Jin
I had just engaged Pipspark Thundersnap in an elemental storm in Brackenhide Hollow. Had 3 attacks off and fully in combat and suddenly had no target, Pipspark was gone as well as the other players that had come to fight him, and I was surrounded by normal Brackenhide mobs that were not there before. I was not in a group at the time. Also submitted as bug report.
Seems to be an almost empty layer as well, all the normal Brackenhide Rares are up, unkilled.


Got sharded on a Big Dig just this past hour. While it’s not as frustrating as everything else, it’s still happening as I’m actively participating.

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Wait until you get sharded while doing Artifact or Fiction climbing world quests. Earlier this morning I got sharded and fell to my death. Kicked me right off the mountain because the sharding removed my action bar for the wq. Didn’t even give me a parachute because the sharding reset it so I wasn’t actively on the wq on the new realm. Definitely more annoying than having to run a dragon race more than once because you sharded mid-race.
oh, and might as well add some more fun shard events…

Feb 13, 2024:
@5:38pm - Aurostar. Full 40m raid and delisted BEFORE the pull.
@6:43pm - Rare hunting in the plains. Fighting a rare after clearing mobs. Then the mobs were all alive again and the rare was gone.

Feb 14, 2024:
@12:50pm - Artifact or Fiction. Mid-climb tossed off the mountain and wq action bar removed (Survived since I was on my druid).
@1:57pm - Whisperbloom Sapling dream seed. Was a purple seed at 100%, by myself. Then tossed to another shard w about 30 people on it and a purple seed at 20%.

Feb 16, 2024:
@4:17am - Artifact or Fiction. Mid-climb tossed off the mountain and wq action bar removed. (Did NOT survive this one, was on a DK).
@4:22am - Azure Span Slolum racing wq. Completed and got no reward, had to run it again to get the racing purse.
@5:20am - Aurostar, again…
@1:17pm - Superbloom. Near the end of the event just before the primalist final attack. Thrown to a realm w the tree in a different location.
@1:18pm - Superbloom. Went to the other location the tree was at, then thrown back to the realm I was on a minute ago… maybe?

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Yeah Dont Phase Me Bro!!


1 world boss, 3 seeds in the Emerald Dream so far this week. Got resharded in the middle of an elemental storm into the middle of a fresh field full of gnolls I had been meticulously picking off one by one. A few other odd situations that might have been caused by resharding but I’m not certain. A few times I noticed all the resource nodes onthe map suddenly shuffle location.

I can live with it, but it’s very noticeable.

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Happened to me twice yesterday. I ended up in a shard all alone which was annoying trying to do researchers in the cavern. Then it also happened when the emerald dream World Boss was at 40% we just phased and had to wait for a spawn…the whole freaking raid phased mid fight lol.


I appreciate all the input you’ve been providing! I just hope we can get some Dev/CM eyes on this. Tomorrow I’m going to search through the forums/bug reports to look for people who’ve had similar issues and slap them on my CC post.

If anyone has a link to their bug reports or other threads regarding this sharding issue please feel free to post it here!

Sharding in war mode had been bad as well for what its worth. I actually enjoyed real PvP servers better than the system war mode runs on. If you think sharding/phasing is bad, try playing world pvp with war mode. Absolute nightmare. Even worse than normal. Dang, I miss pvp servers.

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One I created back in Dec:

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Waiting for the magpies buff to become active. It pops, I start going to do gold quests and while in the middle of one I get shunted to a shard where it isn’t up and I lose it. Sharding is unquestionably worsening the playing experience, which is counter to the very reason it was put in in the first place.


I’m forced into or out of shards to the point where the game has become nearly unplayable and an active waste of my time. Not to be dramatic, but I could probably add up cumulative “hours” of my time that has been wasted as a result of this awful system implementation.

Here are all the things that have happened, on multiple characters, multiple times, over many weeks/months, and often many times in the same play session:

  1. I’ve been in the superbloom, near to blue bag completion, sharded to lower progress, moved foward to blue bag, gotten close, sharded again, moved forward past blue close to purple, sharded back to green, had to fly BACK to the boss, finished halfway through (blue from old shard, no purple possible). I’ve also been within a “few hits” of killing the last boss in the superbloom and been sharded over to a group that won’t complete enough for the blue bag…
  2. I’ve done dragonriding WQ races, sharded in the middle of the race, received NO credit for the WQ, done it a second time, been sharded again, and had to do it a third time (although mostly it just happens once, it happens a LOT in total, upwards of 40 times now on multiple characters) Since I can’t see the shard happen, I often fly off as if finished, do another WQ, or get half way there, only to have to turn around when I notice I didn’t get the completion bag in my inventory…
  3. I’ve done rares and been within a few hits of a kill only to be sharded to an instance with no spawn.
  4. I’ve had at least 8 times that I’ve planted a seed, fed it to 50 percent or more, and gotten within a second of the flower bloom, and thus the reward, only to be sharded to another instance and receive “nothing” and lose the seed and reagents I spent.
  5. I’ve had all world bosses restart once, and sometimes twice when we were within a few hits of completing the kill, only to have to start over.
  6. My most recent one, today, I was assisting Splinterlimb do his “rounds” from 2 stacks to 8…this takes about 10 minutes or more to do. ONE SECOND before he landed at his final stop for 8 stacks…sharded. He was spawned in the new shard…ZERO stacks.
  7. Sharded while climbing 3 or 4 times. My climbing gear is removed, I’m dropped from wall, not given a parachute, and it’s death or near death from the fall, then I have to get the gear again and redo the climb from the bottom, although my count progress remains.

Fix this or I’m done. I’m in a well established guild that has existed for 19 years now, and I’ve played constantly since mid legion on this account…when my sub is up, I’m done if this continues, because now you’re “actively” throwing my time in the garbage for the sake of trying to balance something that doesn’t need it, or save server cycles, or whatever the motivation is. Put in activity checks to ensure you aren’t causing these issues, or do what other games do and give a 1 hour warning that the shard is ending, or request if they want to phase…seriously, there are solutions to this, you just have to care about doing them.


Just a small update that I’ve added as many forum posts as I can find to my CC thread. I’m still searching for additions but hopefully with everything together blizz can see how big this issue is.

Your frustrations are totally valid and I appreciate you coming forward with this. I just hope with this thread and the one I made in the CC that something can finally be done about it.

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Seem to have this happening more and more lately. Like I’ll be in the middle of doing a World Boss with a party and then suddenly we’ll all get shifted into another shard. And while it is rarer I’ve done dragon racing where I’ll be in the middle of the race and I guess during it I’ll be transferred to a new shard resetting my WQ daily ensuring I don’t get it.

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Here is bug report I started

I have all so posted in one or two others but could not find them when I made mine .

I’ve added it to the list of links! Ty!