Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

I Have all but stopped doing anything in the world other than farming and world quests that aren’t affected by shards (like races and personal % bars). Which mostly means I’ve kinda stopped playing DF all together. Sharding breaks my current progress in any given activity at LEAST once per session. My wife hasn’t played in like a week because she was sharded 3 times in about 30 mins one night while trying to complete a Suff Camp. We are seriously considering not getting TWW and unsubbing. This will be the first time since we started playing, in 2008, that we didn’t get the new xpac and intentionally unsub because the game is almost unplayable.

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It has definitely gotten worse.

My friend was sharded out of Rift the other day.
Yesterday I got sharded out of a researchers just before turn-in into an 1 of 12 one which ended incomplete in the middle. I got credit for the quest but no quest reward.

Then I got sharded on a rift, was there when the last boss died, didn’t get credit and when I left the rift I was told to enter the rift. Joined in with the one other person there.

Again, got credit for the rift for the quest and only 50 flakes as if it were the second time I did the rift.


I got sharted on trying to mine a rock the other day that vanished right b4 my eyes… Does that count?

Gathering shards are hard to pin down without an addon. They stick around for a bit after you gather them so other people can also get it. But they despawn after a short time. So it’s likely that someone gathered it before you and it just despawned before you could finish the cast.

That’s not to say it doesn’t happen. I’ve had a shard change in the middle of mining before. I only know cause I watched every creature around me vanish and teleport to a diff location when it happened.

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Yesterday during the time rift, I got sharded before I entered the central portal for the boss fight, went from close to 50 people going in to being alone. I can’t yet solo the bosses in the rifts. And when I left the rift, I was still alone in the zone. Pain in the rear end, because it used up my last guaranteed drop stone and got nothing for the effort.

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I’m in Dalaran realm.
In the Emerald Dream: Putting everything into a bloom/dream seed mound, and if a rare appears anywhere within the emerald dream before the timer on the flower ends it will cause the flower to vanish and turn into a bud again, making me lose everything I put into it.
World DF bosses just disappear when almost dead, and me and other players around me are left wondering what happened.
Suffusion camp dragon disciple vanishes mid fight.

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Sigh. On an Leatherworking/Skinning alt. Spawn an elusive mob, get it to 50%, and poof. That’s just great. Wasted mats and have to work off the cooldown to even try it again.

It’s like a never-ending game of being Charlie Brown and just wondering when Lucy is going to yoink the football away.


My latest sharding killing Fyrakk’s disciple . There is only 4 of us no tank . We get it to around 85% I die I get SHARDED . I have about had it I all ready will not buy next xpac and did not like CATA so not sure how much longer I will let blizz waist me time with sharding .

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It happened to me just this morning on a Dream Surge. It was at 98% so I started flying to the floating island where the portal was, and poof, gone.

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It is so frustrating, I was doing a hunt by myself. was on step 4. and all of a sudden, it was back to go see Temul to start the hunt. I just flew away, I was not going thru it again. (and no I hadn’t run out of time). Bliz’s silence on the issue is even more irritating to me than the actual sharding.

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Yes, during the world boss, during the event in the caverns.
Multiple times.

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Fyrakk Just went from 100 % to 70 % . Well there go’s what should tak less then a hour just turned into at least 2 hours . Wish I could make blizz pay for my time!!!

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Today so far Fyrakk at 69% sharded to to 0 with no one there . The game is just not fun any more with this happening every time I try and do a weekly . Just happened on toon # 3 for the day . 95 % to 27 % this time blizz starting to suck something .


It seems even Remix is not immune to these issues… A rare spawned and as soon as I called it out, I got phased and it disappeared.

Another issue I experienced similar to someone else in this thread. Called out a Warbringer in Remix and put up a group finder, One person joined and as soon as they did I got phased out of the shard I was in thus making the Warbringer disappear.

I have had it work both ways. I was sharded in to a group of about 5 people doing suffusion camp and it helped immensely and I have had my flowers disappear in front of my face in the Emerald Dream at 95 dewdrops.
Blessing and a curse , depending on location.

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All the time. Usually happens in the middle of a fight or when I’m gathering something for a quest.


MoP Remix

Hey look a rare!


runs over gets three hits rare disappears



Yup same. This morning while playing my druid. Dotted the disciple up with a moonfire, and sunfire spell the dragon disappeared lol.

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Today got sharded after death flying back . So no kill I give up on this game . Lol well I was posting had a 34% bar get done here no bar at all . Not sure why I pay for this garbage !!!

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Just agreeing this is still a significant issue. I do Dragonflight content as little as possible right now because of it.

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