Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

Many times. Most recent its gotten worse with it happening during combat now.


This happened to me again twice in the Emerald Dream within 30 mins - was about to engage a world boss that spawned, created a custom group for it in the group finder and as soon as I listed the group, I was transferred to another shard where the boss hadn’t even been spawned yet.

After spawning the boss again on this new shard, I was phased back to the original shard I was on with the boss in combat - luckily I was able to tag it and receive credit in time. I knew this was the original shard I was in because I recognized the other toons in combat with the boss as being the ones who had been hanging around when it spawned

I was on opposite faction characters on two accounts. One was at the darkmoon faire doing pet battles. I was not grouped with my alt. The alt comes to the faire to get a buff and sees my other character from the same realm. My main account character goes into a pet battle. When I come out of the pet battle, my two characters are now in two separate shards. The faire was completely dead, so it makes me wonder if the shard is connected to the population of the areas where the faire entrance is located or just really bad and unnecessary sharding in general. Thankfully this didn’t cause any major annoyances, just strange to observe.

Otherwise, it’s getting to the point people are not inviting players to in-progress events because it risks moving the whole raid into a new shard and progress is lost.

The most recent case was in the Ohn’ahran Plains. My warlock had just turned in five Ward of Igira, and the named mob had spawned. Right before the mob’s feet hit the ground my warlock was shifted to a new shard and no named mob was present. So yet again one of my characters loses items that were farmed and has nothing to show for it.

This has happened so many times at this point I am frequently choosing to skip various outdoor events. It feels like the only winning move is to choose not to play.

I was doing the world boss in the Emerald Dream in a full 40 man raid group and it sharded us right as he turned green, didn’t give anyone in the raid credit for the world quest, and we spawned on top of a fresh Aurostar so we had to kill him all over again. People were pissed.

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Another occurrence today - in the middle of the unlocking the waygates quest, I got sharded into a different instance in the middle of combat for no discernable reason, and it caused me to be unable to complete the quest to use the waygate to teleport out. I had to abandon the quest and redo the whole thing.

Novelty today. In a full superbloom raid, about a third of the raid or more was in a different phase doing a completely different superbloom (opposite side of the tree), and they were adamant that they were not in warmode even though mousing over them in the raid UI suggested they “go to a sanctuary like Oribos” to switch phases.

Haven’t seen a raid split between shards before.

In the middle of fighting Fyrakk’s Disciple I got thrown in a phase with 1% progress.

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Finish Dragonbane Keep for weekly
Do hunt since it’s right there, also for weekly, 5/6.
Get it to 1/6, suddenly phased alone and 6/6…

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Nothing better than summoning a mob in Forbidden Reach only to get sharded away just before it becomes attackable.

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I had that very annoying dragon boss from the suffusion camp down to around 1% - and then I got sharded. Most annoyed I’ve been with WoW in a while, and that’s saying something since this xpac has been full of bugs.

Several times. It’s worse in some places over others. I’ve lost more rare spawn than I can count.

Another week another complaint about being sharded. This time I got booted from a very active Researchers Under Fire into one that was barely doing anything. Fun.

Yes, I was killing a storm rare today and after beating on it for like 4 minutes, my shard changed just as it died and I was in a realm where there was nothing to loot. It was very weird.

And now an alt went from a near 12/12 RUF event to 9/12. Such excitement.

Several times I have lined up for an event, been running around near soup, or Dragonbane keep, did not go afk, or even stopped moving for very long except to chat. Suddenly everyone is gone and I am standing with 4 or 5 people, when I was standing with dozens.

Happens a lot in all sorts of events. Very bad design.


Yes. Multiple times on multiple characters. Suffusion event. World bosses. Rares. Cobalt assembly. Granted the assembly isn’t a big deal because that place is always over run until it’s not and you’re fighting a dream surge empowered rare only to be shipped off to another shard…

I honestly believe these transfers will never stop. I think Blizzard has decided these random transfers slow down players so they spend a longer time in the game. I always follow the money, but that’s just my opinion.

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I literally just had the boss arriving in 30 seconds when I got sharded to a blank slate shard with no progress bar. It’s absolutely stupid this keeps happening.


Yes and seems like some people have already reported it as a bug but seems like no official word on it yet:

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And again today twice on Basrikron… in a group. He’s pulled and about a third down and poof, he’s gone.

So not fun.


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