Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

Aannd I didn’t get my reward! And I killed the monster! This game hates me! Whaaatt aboouut meeeeee?!

How’s that? :slight_smile: :rofl:


Yep… Name checks out.


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Oh this happens to me all the time. AH window will suddenly close out of nowhere and if I try to reopen it I’ll either get nothing and can’t reopen it, or I’ll get a message about an internal error and still can’t open it. I have to walk away from the auctioneers and then back to apparently “refresh” them and allow me to reopen it. Very rarely it won’t force-close the window and I’ll go to purchase something and get the same “internal error” message and can’t buy anything. It also happens while I’m mogging. The window doesn’t close but when I click apply it does nothing. I’ll hear the sound effect but not the sound of money being taken. I have to do the same thing, walk away then back and reopen it.

Sharding is just broken all to hell now, doing it whenever and wherever it wants to.


maybe there would be more employees to work on problems like this if…oh wait never mind.

at the very least the sharding system needs to be disabled immediately, until a fix can be found and implemented. or leave all those “copies” out there and let us shift if we are in a crowded one.

IMO, pretty much all outdoor content is affected and unplayable.

blizzard fix your…“stuff”.


Thank you for the eagle eyes!

Sorry for my disappearance everyone; had a lil me-time break but I’m back to trying to get eyes on this!

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And it just happened again. What’s the point of starting hunts if they are just going to stop with no warning?

I can’t comment on your other post, but you say my issue at the lunker sighting is not about phasing, although I’m pretty sure it is. We are all in a raid group (members would typically be in the same shard as the party leader and if they are booted to another shard it would be as a group) and the error message on the raid frames is about joining the proper phase, so it is not exactly the same as the others.

I’m happy to have more attention on both issues, however. I was about to fight Fyrakk’s disciple just now as it landed and everyone in my shard moved to one that was at 0% event progress and the disciple despawned. This type of thing has been happening for awhile, though; I reported the same problem almost a year ago.

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The tooltip you get in game says phasing but it’s a most certainly a sharding issue. (They don’t have a tooltip for saying you’re in a different shard as someone so it’s just a recycle of the “phasing” tooltip) I’ve had/seen this same issue happen twice as you described, once when joining a friends group for a Big Dig and had to go to Orgrimmar, drop group, rejoin and then go back to where I was to get it to work. The 2nd time someone else was experiencing the issue. My belief is it’s because the shard you’re trying to join is full so they won’t let you in.

I’ll be sure to add your 1 year old bug report to the ever growing link list though!


this is ruining the game for me on a daily basis


For me the most recent case of sharding making the game worse was the Dreaming in the Dream WQ in the Emerald Dream zone. I was about one step away from being finished when the server pushed me to another shard.

Another recent example was, as someone else mentioned recently, a centaur hunt being ruined by it. We were at 2 of 6 left, and them boom sharded.

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Dropped a mailbox after a non-grouped killing of the hearthstone bosses, with me not being part of any group at all.

Said mailbox disappeared after 6 seconds, post hotfix.

Something’s still going a bit squirrely. Is nice to see the spawns are consistent though, at least as far as I’ve seen today.

You can’t drop mailboxes or certain toys near the roped off arena around the Hearthstone areas or they do tend to disappear. If you can’t summon your mount, chances are your toys/mailboxes will disappear.

Was off on the edge of the valdrakken event area.

Was able to summon a dragonriding mount. Mailbox though disappeared.

Last 3 weeks in the middle of fighting the world boss the raid has phased when someone joins via group finder and we had to start again.

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Certain toys are unaffected. For example, I was posting up next to the Valdrakken arena with my Gnoll Tent activated. Cant member the name, but the Dark Souls campfire would not stay, but my Maruuk cooking pot did.

I just experienced the “phase” tooltip again so I figured I’d add to this thread. I have two accounts doing the Hearthstone event for bags in Durotar. The first account was the party leader because the shard was a bit more active but not crowded by any means. I logged out briefly to do something else since it would be another 25 minutes until the next portal spawned. The character from another realm remained in the shard. I tab back to the 2nd account and realize another portal has spawned only a few minutes after the first, but it was the same group of people. They told me a new one spawns 12-14 minutes after the hour (I thought the hotfix was for 30 minutes, but ok, I have no idea what is going on anymore lol).

I log back in on the party leader character, but I’m phased (return to sanctuary tooltip on the raid frame) from my original shard and my other character. So I leave group and try to rejoin but now both characters are in completely different new shards without a portal up. When I reinvite, the two characters are able to see each other, but still no portal because they were bumped somewhere else.

Edit - I do understand I was not “active” via the title of this thread, and had relogged, but thought it was another useful example of the split party sharding you were describing above that can happen when active.

Second edit - tested again with the new portal spawning on the hour. Character on second account in active shard invites character on first account in empty shard. Both characters move to the empty shard instead of where the party leader is located. In all the years I’ve played WoW I have never seen such bizarre sharding behavior with groups.


I’m starting to move from mildly annoyed, to straight up frustrated
Just doing the soup event. Almost legendary, haven’t seen it legendary in a while, so I was pretty stoked!
1 minute left on the event.
Sharded to a green quality.


Yup. If it wasn’t so stupidly counter-productive, I’d have said Bliz was doing it on purpose.

Two examples from Zaralek Caverns this week, neither involved grouping.

  1. Just beat Kapraku rare, flew to Flowfy and was about to pull it when I was phased into another shard.
  2. Waiting at spawn, the friendly NPC for Karokta pops up and I start making a group in LFG right away when I’m sharded.

Generally I’ve been sharded multiple times waiting at Karokta, usually from mostly-empty shards to mostly-empty shards that are all 3-30 minutes old. Don’t see rares on a shard until 45-50 minutes, so I settle back in to keep waiting, only to get sharded again. That’s gone on for hours. I’ve got no idea why so many shards are being generated and repopulated when the zone activity is so low.


This is generally the best example of how Sharding has gotten so out of control. A dead zone in current content expac that’s experiencing multiple shardings happening for no reason.

I know it’s frustrating but ty for sharing your experience.