Have the dev's mentioned

Ion said “It was out of question”

“We had a chat with Ion Hazzikostas and Calia Shie at Warcraft Summit and they both explained how changes to the overall concept and the addition of new content were out of the question since once altered that would make a Classic server something else entirely, and we agree. After all, fans want that old-school experience.” you were saying?

Wonder if there could be a middle ground. We get Classic+ for a short while and then TBC is added. However, the level cap remains the same, and horizontal progression takes place. Rough idea, but I’d tossed around and modified it might work out great without having seperate servers, split community and finally seeing what Vanilla would look like if it had been finished.

Taken from wowhead…it was vague and non committal.

Q: Classic - are we staying on this patch forever or will it get an expansion?
A: Right now we’re trying to restore 2006. Once the game is out there next summer we’ll listen to the players and do what’s right for the game but we’ll have to see.

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I’m saying if it does goto BC/Wotlk would that be the end? I know BC was a great expansion because I played it. BC still had the same overall feel of the original game.

Maybe they release BC/Wotlk and then work on brand new content that no one has ever seen but it continues with vision as the original.

Again that’s for classic you want me to link the video with ion from two weeks ago where he said bc and wrath IS a possibility they will evaluate after classic launches.

They said no new content. They’re talking about…no new content.

And I already said everyone has been open to TBC and Wrath servers, including Ion.

This post is about what the devs thought about classic+ which is what my response was based on. Not about tbc.

everybody is talking about different things. here’s a list of possibilities and whether or not devs have said anything

8 options

  1. classic only. the end. (devs: yep)
  2. classic only reboots after 3 years (devs: nothing yet)
  3. classic with separate tbc/separate wotlk, the end (devs: possibility)
  4. classic with separate tbc/separate wotlk, reboots after 3 years of wotlk (devs: nothing yet)
  5. classic with progression into tbc and wotlk, the end (devs: not likely)
  6. classic with progression into tbc and wotlk, reboots after 3 years of wotlk (because #5 is not likely, same applies here)
  7. classic+ with added horizontal development, such as new raids and dungeons added (karazhan crypts, emerald dream, medivh’s tower, dragon isles, etc), guild banks, alliance high elves, horde ogres, retail models, 4th specs, etc…with possible reboot after 3 years or progression into an alternate outlands (devs: ion - nope. other devs - maybe.)
  8. classic only with separate classic+ (see above)

variants of those all contain the possiblity / non possibility of existing expacs or alternate timeline expacs

options for classic+

  1. go back before vanilla timeline, to well of eternity era
  2. go back before vanilla timeline to orc invasion called the first war, where orcs came thru the portal and forced humans to retreat to lordaeron
  3. the vanilla timeline with a couple retail friendly changes such as guild banks and retail models, playable alliance high elves, playable horde ogres, character transfers, 4th specs with forms, karazhan crypts, emerald dream, medivh’s tower, dragon isles
  4. the vanilla timeline same as above but with progression into a modified tbc.

for example. not so sure about futuristic timeline as the work involved in changing everything up, would be huge.

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Go watch the video on YouTube quissy channel with ion two weeks ago and quit spreading lies

I think it’s quite apparent what Blizzards long term strategy is with the release of Classic, and WoW in general.

Right now management understands that there is an underlying issue with modern WoW, as this is reflected through the constant drop in subscribers, the dissatisfaction on the forums, youtube videos and various articles.

Classic is not only a strategy to bring in more revenue through extra subscriptions, however its also to understand what the player base wants and where Blizzard went wrong with WoW over the years.

We have officially entered a crossroads, where the success of Classic will determine how the future of WoW will look. If Classic is a success, then expect to see a lot of changes happen in modern WoW that will reflect the old fundamentals of the game.

More or less, WoW 2.0 will be an amalgamation of Classic and retail WoW.


What lie have I spread?

reread what you wrote

I know what I wrote. So tell me what lie I’m spreading.

I hope we go back to the old skill trees and weapon skills and class diversity instead of what we have today where there’s no experimenting at all.


Found my popcorn. Now, to enjoy the show.


No use on trying to reason with an idiot so I leave it at that good luck.

Not everybody is open to TBC or WoTLK, myself and many others don’t like TBC and the direction it started taking WoW.


I was speaking of Blizz employees.

Well I guarantee your minority seeing as how bc and wrath was the most success wow has ever seen from a sub stand point