I have a recurring 12-month subscription (expected to auto-renew in March), and I still haven’t received the Charming Courier mount, showing up for purchase in the Store instead.
The only gift I have in the BaccleNet app is the 1 day game time for the super extended maintenance in July 23 2024.
Is there something I’m missing to do?
Play around with your filters a bit. It’s showing available in your collection.
Make sure all sources are checked, etc.
Agreed. I can see it as part of your collection as well. Looks like it was added to the account in July of 2024.
I feel dumb. I saw the ingame store and I couldv’ce sworn that I saw something else besides the green checkmark indicating that it’s in my collection.
And double dumb for not searching before posting.
Let me dig a hole.
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takes away your shovel
No worries, Kogitsune. It is a common mistake and we’re glad to help when we can and even more so that the mount wasn’t missing.