Have hunters tested the mm spec with mm cs st runes now, what is the result

All leg runes should be deleted and start over IMO.

Flanking Strike is garbage because the cooldown is too long and the reset mechanic is non-existent.

Sniper Training would be bad even if it only took 3 seconds to activate, because an effective Hunter rarely gets to stand still very long and it doesn’t affect Auto Shot, which is a massive portion of our DPS.

Kill Command’s cooldown is outrageous, and it pigeonholes you into using specific pets.

Compare these options to Priest leg runes - Homunculus and Prayer of Mending - or Warrior with Consumed by Rage / Frenzied Assault, which are literally game changing options, and it’s easy to see that Hunter leg runes are an absolute joke.


and it’s very, very hard to flanking strike + raptor strike in the same melee swing, plus I tested various macros and just couldn’t get it right… I could only do it by smashing both buttons at the same time and very rarily got it right

Bro, not only are they a joke, but the synergy is bugged. I’m sorry did you want to run cobra+chim for pvp? You can’t. Blizz never implemented chimera damage proccing off cobra SS. You’re screwed.

This is an alpha fury warrior romping ground at best.

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Flanking strike is an active ability.
Raptor strike is a queued up ability.

If you run into range with raptor queued, all you do is press flanking upon reaching melee range and they will both go off immediately as one is tied to the auto attack.

I checked some top logs post nerf. I saw CS, lion, flanking strike along with a wind serpect being used on almost all fights. I think one log had AS used sparingly. Regardless, they all had 99 parses with this setup and almost all pulled 190+ dps most fights. I saw only a hand full of AS being cast in total among ALL the logs. Additionally, the difference between 99s and lower logs was the use of raptor strike. Melee weaving is bringing more dps to fights than AS, because of clipping its just not worth.

You don’t want to apply serpent sting EVER in pvp come phase 2, unless you’re trying to dot a rogue that’s trying to run away. It breaks your freezing trap and is a liability to have on your opponent since it does 3 dps.

In a 1v1 scenario vs casters even viper sting is a liability because it also breaks freezing trap, your only way to reset the fight.

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I know, but that way the raptor goes off first then the flanking, what I was trying to do is the opposite, so you start the flanking buff with one chance to reset

You can macro these abilities to a single button because of the instant+NA.

You need to flanking, cancel auto attack, then raptor.

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For fs and raptor strike macro
You need to use an addon called gse. It clears cast deadlock. You can even add wolf howl into it. It always cast the order you want and skip the spell which is on cd casts the next one on list. Feels like an improved cast sequence macro.
I have fs rs ms on one, and in melee I just spam the button. I also use it for my warrior and rogue, and it works great


I actually have it setup on 1 button using clear cast line, works fine.

I tried that and it doesn’t work, the raptor is queued to the next weapon swing after the flanking, I tried everything I could think of and nothing, only could do by smashing both buttons, idk is spell batching is a thing here, or I got it by lag, and I’m not even sure if it’s intended to work like that, but I could do it sometimes

/targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
/cast !Raptor Strike
/cast [@target] Flanking Strike

here’s an idea: do the aspect of the lion and get into groups as the buff bot you are. good news is, your other runes don’t even matter. nobody cares :slight_smile:

it worked once in 4 times, better than nothing hehe, I’ll try the GSE thing

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The macro breaks if you press it too often. Classic issue.

This line is the offender of the frequent-press breaking it btw. But it’s also the reason you can cast both at once (lul).

Yeah probs.

The reset is definitely a joke. Maybe tie it in to a ranged ability to encourage more melee weaving

Definitely is pretty niche.

Basically is useless. Maybe run this when you literally can’t use anything else.

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I’ve said this before but the rune slots are all messed up for hunter. BM rune and Lone Wolf rune should be on the same item since they are mutually exclusive, for starters. Then Lion should be on a separate rune from BM and Lone Wolf since Lion is a class defining rune and BM and Lone Wolf are spec defining runes. Then they need to buff Lone Wolf to be much closer to the damage (as a percent of the hunter’s damage) that the pet actually does. Right now pets will be doing in the 33% neighborhood so Lone Wolf should probably be 25% to 30% damage increase to justify using it.


Yeah at one point these devs need to get this fixed. How can warriors and rogues already be topping when the scale the best in later phases. Marksman rune need to be 10% crit and sniper training for 3 seconds instead of 6. And the class is back where it’s suppose to be historically at this level. Warriors and rogues will pass eventually anyways due to scaling but atleast hunters would be competitive. At this rate they will be 1 hunter per raid and just used to pull mobs… kinda pathetic really.

nobody is going to be using chimera in pve after the recent change to ES.