Have hunters tested the mm spec with mm cs st runes now, what is the result

I have tested the build after nerf.
With a cat pet. On a single mob lvl 27 ish. Dps around 120-140. But I really have to make sure I stand 6 sec for st buff to trigge the crit rng. Other wise flat dmg will give 80 ish dps. And a cat can’t hold thread in mm build. Which means I can solo rfk.
I did try rfk single mob. Mm spec dps drop to 60 because the mob will be on me all the time.
Would like to hear how other hunters doing, or ppl just too angry to play the class anyway.
I think they have to buff st 6sec to 3sec in order to make ppl really use the rune.

It resulted in about 1-2% dps increase. For a MM hunter already using cs rune.

Bm rune is still better for MM unless it is a very short fight.

MM spec gained about 2% damage overall, and BM lost about 13 % dmg overall. According to logs from yesterday and personal testing.

I understand, now we have to take pet as kind of constant dot during a fight. Bm rune just buffed the stable dmg output.
I really think cs should be the same slot as bm. Because now it’s almost the same old lvl25 bm gameplay exp for me

reroll fury warrior for bis hunter spec


They have to make st rune with 3 sec timer and mm rune to reduce cd of all shots for 2 sec to make mm build doable. At least for know a pure mm spec will also lose about about 800 hp (player+pet), in trade of that 2% dmg boost is just not worthy at all


Things along that train of thought for sure. They are absolutely missing the mark now.

True, I remembered before sod started, for hunters, bm for leveling and mm for raid. Now if they see everyone is bm in raid and PvP, despite nerf bm, devs should ask what happened to mm and suv builds? Is there something wrong/ weak about them….

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vanilla.warcraftlogs. com/zone/rankings/2007#class=Hunter&boss=2891&region=-1&search=date.1705028400000.1705074499390
MM is doing very well

It was about a 30% pet dps loss for BM/Melee, 30% decrease on 50% of the damage output is a 15% overall pve damage loss. The Chimera shot buff was about a 1.5% dps increase for MM. Overall hunters lost a massive amount of dps and got nothing in return.


MM pulling 200+ dps on aku’mai, I’d say it’s doing alright… people are still figuring out the rotation

Will give it a try. I also think st can be used but need to be very skilled on rotation

The top warrior parse for the same timeframe is 361/234 = 55% higher than the highest hunter. This gap is only going to grow. Also your link includes all hunter specs, that top parse is still BM.

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the guy who did 220dps had sniper training

So he got extremely lucky and didn’t get a breath cast on him once the entire fight. For most fights, you get almost no uptime on that rune. There is too much movement required.

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so what? what’s your point? all I’m saying is that MM is doing alright, it has a higher skill ceiling and people are still figuring out the rotation

Read the log. That link is to a BM hunter.

Honestly, it’s just ignorance that causes nerfs at this point.


A higher skill ceiling? You think pressing Chimera shot on cooldown requires more skill than pressing kill command on cooldown?

The delusion of the people on this forum is astounding.


Way ahead of you.

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top 10 are 2 BM and 8 MM hunters, I think you’re the ignorant