Have earned 2653 Conq this season, did not receive the Forged Weapons of Conquest Achievement

The currency tab shows I have earned 2653 conquest out of 2800, but I did not receive the achievement or the weapons, and I cannot buy a conquest weapon from Lalandi.


2655 for me and have the same problem.


I have the same issue.


2638 now, same issue. Have tried relogging and swapping characters.


Same…I had a quest in my quest log before reset and now the quest isn’t even there.


Massive Bump++++++

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Got it from 2696, I suspect it wanted all of the conquest from this week to come from BGs, and not quests. Not sure about this.

Same. Over 2500 conq with no ach or mail.

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same thing also, i just want me wep

have the same issue im honestly pissed i had my quest before today and now its gone… i was ready to get my weapon today

They replaced the quest with an achievement.

Yeah most know this but they didn’t trigger the achievement when they hit 2.5k or higher.


Check your mailbox, my tokens were in there as a “lost item”.

I don’t think you people are understanding. THE ACH IS NOT BEING ACHIEVED despite having more than 2500 conq for the season. Without the ach, there will be NO mail to look for. lol


I understand the problem, most people did have it pop though and just haven’t looked at their mail.

2500 no achievement no tokens in mail nothing this game is really getting on my nerves right about now. This seemed like a good idea 3 weeks ago now its just a giant let down not feeling good about wow…


I am having the same issue. I am currently at 2625 conquest earned for the season. No achievement, no mail, no tokens, no weapons, no quest. Please fix this, Blizzard.

The running theory is that the 175 from the 4bg wins weekly isn’t being counted so you need to hit 2675 if you do that quest


Yeah I’ve heard that. I can say one of my toons above 2500 didn’t get it without turning that quest in. The other two toons above 2500 turned the quest in with same results. So leveled one to max and no achievement. It’s definitely odd. I’m sure they’ll fix it in Season 2.

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Anyone tried deleting the cache folder?