Have Canadians decided on a server?

Sheesh, I thought I was going to be the only one that said Pagle!
Southwestern Ontario

Myself and my buddy are both on Herod (both from Ontario)

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Nova Scotia isn’t part of Real Canada? I mean, Quebec sure but Nova Scotia? One of our biggest banks is from there!! :smile:


Went with Myzrael, think its going to be a pretty chill realm.

Also Pagle, representing the Kawartha Lakes!

Our group of 21 Canadians are going to roll Alliance on Thalnos


Our guild has a large number of Canadians, and is heading to Pagle :slight_smile:

Herod here I come!

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got a few Canadians from the GTA area playing on fairbanks

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I’m from Alberta and I will be using Myzrael as my main server for both my accounts but I might also visit Mankrik.

West coast Canadians will be on Fairbanks, or most of the ones I know at least!

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I’m sorry, but we sold Nova Scotia to Luxembourg years ago. We just didn’t know how to tell you.

I’m canadian but live in TX im going to faerlina with all my guildies :smiley: Horde of course!

It’s the whole Newfoundland thing . Anyone around there gets the Newfie treatment hahah .

canadians should be forced to play on a pve server

I’m going Farelina

True xD . Could you imagine us Canadians encountering opposing factions in RP PvP.

It would be a mess of a roleplay . No please horde let me help YOU with that mob.

Hey now! I heard there were 12 of them, all of whom are named Frank. Even the girl.


West Coast PvP BC/Alberta quite a few of us are going to Whitemane server.

Let’s go Grobbulus guys letzzz go .
