Have Canadians decided on a server?

Yep. Toronto player here: I’m rolling on Herod.

You better not be in Halifax and down the street from me.

Of course. However, though it is a term that has been consistently misused, and therefore misrepresented on a daily basis on social media platforms, as well as just about every other online channel you could name, the word has quickly lost any kind of momentum and lustre to be used in any competent level of social and political debating.

You’re an incel.


Case and point ^^

:laughing: Best post ever! And in all seriousness I would love to play on a Canadian server. You guys are way nicer to be around than mah American friends. :grin:


Words don’t work that way.

It doesn’t matter how often it’s misused. It still means what it means, and this is especially true when it is a word that the group uses to define themselves.

(PS - It’s “case in point”, not “case and point”.)


Well according to that logic, any gathering of nincompoops anywhere could throw in any word into the English language and have it considered to be “valid.”

That’s not to say that they should be taken seriously, or that whatever words they’ve managed to concoct in their sub-adequate cerebrums, should be taken at all seriously on an intellectual level…

(And yes, thank you for correcting my typo. :+1:)

Groups of people define the name of their own group, yes.

Whether or not I like the name of companies, parties, groups, people, what have you, I don’t get to tell them that it’s not their name.

(Also, most modern additions to the language were invented by accident or by sheer mass of usage, so yeah, it’s not like there’s some sort of authority somewhere judging the invention of new words. In the 40’s, a ‘computer’ was a person who did math for a living. Then the ‘digital computer’ replaced them, and today, we dropped ‘digital’ and just call it a computer again.)

Nektath is both an incel and illiterate.

Sunnyvale server hard as f***

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Well, this Canadian has chosen a server based on what my friends down in Texas are playing on… sorry but for me, clustering with my fellow Canucks isn’t really a priority, it’s who’s in my time zone or close to it.

Piss jugs and extension cords.

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Canada doesn’t want you anywhere near them.

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Myself, I’ll be playing on Buccaneers, Grobbulus, and Thalnos.

I’m curious, anybody else from PEI on these forums?

And you strike me as the exact opposite. /endsarcasm

True. That is no reason why other groups should listen, or take them seriously.

As it happens, in this day and age… You can! You just need to find yourself offended by something and petition to get it changed. Apparently.

Ontario here.
Herod is my choice.

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Probably roll on Aitesh or Myzrael, since I’m from Alberta.

In BC and probably rolling on Grob