Have Canadians decided on a server?

This question doesn’t make too much sense because Canada (just like America) has numerous timezones and communities. People from BC and Alberta should go west coast and people from Manitoba eastward should go east coast. That just makes sense.

Also there is no particularly special reason to group with other Canadians.


I would like to be able to schedule guild events according to other people’s timetables .

Miss matched region distributions kind of screw that up .

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Just call the other Canadian and ask what server is he joining.


I don’t know if your educated On Canada’s population distribution . But atleast 60-70% of us live in a 2 provinces, Ontario and Quebec.

Can you define what an Incel is

I’m gonna hit Mankrik I think. KW

This indeed.

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Nova Scotian here. Most likely rolling Grobbulus cause RP-PVP community is usually awesome. It’s west coast so I’ll take a 30ms hit but that isn’t even noticeable and Grobbulus according to a reddit thread will actually have more east coasters than west coast.


I feel yea , everything seems so cluster f’d right now trying to avoid most streamers , while avoiding time table barriers .

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Fellow random Canuck reporting in for Grob.


I am interested too but for a different reason, i prefer not to group or guild with those who voted for Trump so i will group with Canadians to avoid that, it shows bad decision making and those type of players would be very likely to stand in fire or not dismiss their pet in dungeons. No thanks! Bring on the Canucks instead!


Alberta has declared for Grob!

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Can Grobb get the English speaking Nice Canada folk? The French guy’s can go like. uh, Mankirk? or Herod.


Quite a lot of french speaking people know English. More so than predominately English speaking people know french. I get what you mean though, it’s just easier for people to be able to deal with those in the language they’re more comfortable with. I’ve met some nice and not so nice French Canadians. It’s no different for the rest of the people in the world. Some good, some bad.


Yes there is, americans are jealous of our healthcare so they make fun of us for saying “eh?”.

We’ve tried apologising to them for having healthcare, but they just mumble “Muh freedoms” and start making fun of us saying “Eh?” again.


It’s between Fairbanks and Whitemain right now. I’ll have to watch the populations on Game day and go from there.

I thought about the Grobbulus Realm, but to be honest I have the distinct feeling that the RP part of the Realm would have to many rules to follow; written and/or unwritten.

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The latest ‘buzzword’ for undesirable characters in society? :man_shrugging: Idk… I wasn’t the one who brought it up initially, so.

It’s a specific thing, and it’s the term they use for themselves. Granted, as with anything, there are people who aren’t a member of the group who get accused of being one.

A more accurate term would be “violent misogynists”.


Like I mentioned, I really couldn’t say, since the term seems to get thrown around like candy towards anyone who disagrees with anyone else’s opinions that might be considered even the slightest bit controversial these days. So again.:man_shrugging:

Just because it’s misused sometimes doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real thing.

Innocent people are sometimes accused of murder. That doesn’t mean that murderers don’t exist.

(In the case of this particular topic: I have no idea what’s going on and don’t really believe that there was a meaningful poll suggesting a high presence or anything. I’m just here to answer questions about nomenclature.)