Have Battlemaster's been discussed yet?

So I have not really seen much discussion on this so I feel its something worth discussing for any fans of Classic PvP.

I know that a lot of features are jumping straight to their 1.12 versions BUT at the same time there is also a lot of content being split into phases. Personally I would love to see Battlemaster’s come in at Phase 4 for a multitude of reasons.

First things first, it was not something that launched side by side with BG’s. Battlemasters were not introduced until patch 1.6. For reference the Honor System was introduced in 1.4 and the BG’s Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley were not introduced until 1.5 with Arathi Basin being added in 1.7. Compare that to the phases we know for PVP right now with the Honor System coming in Phase 2, WSG and AV in Phase 3, and AB in Phase 4. While technically Battlemasters happened between WSG/AV(Patch 1.5/Phase 3) and AB(Patch 1.7/Phase 4) it could go either way though I would prefer Phase 4.

Second of all it makes going to Battle Grounds a journey. Travel is one of the biggest parts of Vanilla and to me its one of the most enjoyable aspects in Classic. Its all about the journey and, unlike Portals and Modern, it does not feel forced or bad.

Third, it facilitated a lot of great WPvP battles that we had which also reinforces my second reason. People going to the BG entrances, queuing up, and then running around the area looking for players to kill while waiting for their queue to pop. Aspects like this really helped facilitate some of the big PvP battles in Hillsbrad back then while waiting for those extremely long AV queues.

I think that holding off on the Battlemasters until at least phase 4 would be a good decision for the flow of the world. I know that on the beta currently that the Battlemasters are being used to Queue for BG testing right now but I personally hope that they are staggered come launch.

The post on Classic PVP phases did not really mention Battlemasters so I feel like this is an interesting topic of discussion. What are your thoughts?

Down below is some information on the matter.

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Only official mention of Battlemaster’s I can remember is from this thread:


No idea if this means Battlemaster’s from first BG or if they simply use them because it’s easier to test that way.

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I am hoping its the latter, there is a lot of merit (in my personal opinion) in holding them back a bit.

I would tend to agree with you and would like to see the Battlemasters coming in on a later patch but then again, we start directly with 1.12 A.V.

And the battlemasters are already in the beta … So yeah. Too bad, it would have been awesome to raid the entrance of WSG

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I would Love to see them at there respective locations in the outside world.

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Absolutely, anything that gets people out in the world is a plus.

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Idk if anything is set in stone yet, like it was said they could just be using them for testing purposes atm on the beta to make things easier to test.

I mean, the pessimist in me feels like thats that but the optimist in me hopes that its just to make testing PvP on the Beta a bit easier.

Hey, I understand you. The optimist in me says that they can still revert their decision about A.V…

May be these kind of changes will be done on a fresh server in a couple of years or something like that. Who knows…

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AV entrance is equal for both teams, and gets them out in the same ways.

WSG, however, is so skewed it makes it unbearable.

AB came after battlemasters and the entrances were in towns, so it was moot.

That said, I wouldn’t mind it being pre-battlemasters for a phase. It would just make WSG suck for Alliance.

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Couldn’t agree more. How many times we ran into ashenvale to mess with the Queued alliance…

So glorious.


Before the latest forum revamp, I had proposed that BMs be taken out of the capitals, and placed in level bracket appropriate open world towns. I even broke it down per faction, per bg brackets, which town each would go in. Each would be the same as the BG weekend recruiters that are spread around inside capitals. It would have made BGs more accessible to those leveling or farming, and would have removed the idiocy of pvpers idling in a safe room of a capital.

But hell, if we cannot even convince them to put in the effort to return AV to a pre nerf state…